Lucky Draw have signed four new players and split themselves into two divisons, with all previous team members now forming "Lucky Draw Team Two". The five signees (Theude, Lifecoach, Karlis, Beherit and Wuaschtsemme) will form "Lucky Draw Pro Team".
Team Lucky Draw have more than doubled their roster by making five signings, adding Theude, Lifecoach, Karlis, Beherit and Wuaschtsemme to their line up. Now one of the largest rosters in Hearthstone, Lucky Draw have decided to split their roster in two and designated their five new signings "Lucky Draw Pro Team", which the five players who previously occupied their roster will be demoted to "Lucky Draw Team Two".
The five players who now make up "Team Two" are Moonstar, Timbolt, Grenan, Hit-Girl and Gameking.
Previously made up of relatively unknown players, this represents a significant expansion for Lucky Draw signing a number of well known players on the European scene. While many of the five new players have struggled for results, Theude recently made it to the semi-finals of the Seat Story Cup 2, and Lifecoach made it to the second qualification stage for the Hearthstone World Championships.