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Hearthstone10 years ago

12 Goblins vs. Gnomes facts from Hearthstone's Senior Designer and Production Director

Jason Chayes, Production director, and Mike Donais spill some specifics on Hearthstones first expansion. 

I had the opportunity to ask some questions about the new Hearthstone expansion and the future of the game. Here are the things I learned after our talk!


  1. When Warrior uses Commanding Shout + the new GvG card Whirling blades with no enemy minions on the board, minions all go down to 1 hp and then whirling blades stops due to not having a legal target.
  2. Goblins vs Gnomes new spectactor mode was specifically designed with Esports in mind.
  3. There are no current plans for golden hero portraits being awarded to Arena players.
  4. The new card Blingtron 3000 creates golden weapons.
  5. There is a good chance that the dragon minion type will be utilized in the future.
  6. The amount of death rattle minions so far in the new expansion have been carefully balanced with Undertaker in mind and cards yet to be released will keep the card in check.
  7. It may or may not be cannon that Hearthstone exists in the Overwatch universe.
  8. All cards that are essentially mechs (Harvest golem, etc) will have their card type upgraded to benefit from Mech-related cards.
  9. When Gnomes vs Goblins goes live, Arena wins will reward those packs.
  10. Mike Donais' favorite new card is the new pilotted mech series.
  11. Jason Chayes favorite new card is Blingtron 3000.
  12. There are no plans of including neutral spells.


What do you think of Gnomes vs. Goblins? Let us know in the comments!