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Hearthstone11 years ago

DuckWingFACE joins Copenhagen Wolves

Managrind lose another established name as Danish player Anders "DuckWingFACE" Thorgaard leaves the roster to join the recently formed Copenhagen Wolves division.

Copenhagen Wolves first ventured into Hearthstone earlier this month as the Danish-based organization announced James "Firebat" Kostesich as their first CCG player. To add to the hype of their new division, CPHW sources then told GosuGamers that two more Danish players have already been signed and are to be announced at a later date.

In our article from July 5th, we took the liberty to speculate a bit about who those two Danes might be and one particular name could not be overlooked, that of Anders "DuckWingFACE" Thorgaard. Then a member of team Managrind, DuckWingFACE gained popularity by being one of the few Priest experts on the scene and having merit for the revival of the Mage class in recent meta, more particularly the aggro builds of Jaina. 

Today, a Facebook post by Copenhagen Wolves reveals that Thorgaard is indeed team's newest addition. The Wolves are expected to add three more players soon, including one already signed Danish player.

Copenhagen Wolves roster

United States Firebat
Denmark DuckWingFace
