He was one of the wild cards to enter the entire competition, now he is the shining star and new King of the Singaporean Hearthstone scene - Crea. Fighting his way through the bracket, not taking any losses until reaching the Grand Finals, he was a deserving Champion.
It was the confusion of the day on the casters' side, but actually still a turn away from lethal. The egTV casting crew of Larcsm and Babael already called the deciding match between Crea and Wensushi in favor of the Group A Champion, although he was clearly one short of lethal. Crea realized it, much quicker than the casting duo, played it safe and cashed in on the $100 SGD a turn later. This was just the closing moment of a great tournament in general, and an epic conclusion between the two Singaporean warriors Crea and Wensushi.
They went the entire distance of the clash, going for two Best-of-Five series and a total of nine matches before finally having determined Crea as the first ever eHL Cycle Champion. For long it looked like Hearthstone Alley Tournament: Tough Cookie Champion and member of Team ManaSurge, Wensushi, might mount a comeback from the Lower Bracket and fight his opponent in a literal Miracle fashion, but Malfurion's Claws ended the run. Prior to the Shakespearean "To Lethal or Not to Lethal" episode, Wensushi jumped off to a quick start in both Best of Five series with his Miracle Rogue doing work. At the end of the series the Miracle Rogue went 4-2 and had beaten every possible deck of Crea, but unfortunately for Wensushi not in a row. In the first series the 2-0 lead by the Miracle Rogue was cut in half by Crea's [card]Windfury[/card]+[card]Leeroy Jenkins[/card] Shaman deck, only to receive the 3-1 by Wensushi's Druid deck. With that result the Singaporean Champion of Group B leveled the playing field and forced a second series - the all deciding one.
Here, he started again as Miracle Rogue, but got stopped by a [card]Druid of the Claw[/card] charging in his face, a very greedy [card]Leeroy Jenkins[/card]/[card]Shadowstep[/card] combination and ultimately the roaring trees dealing lethal damage to Valeera. Once again, Wensushi tried to counter the loss of his Rogue with his Druid, but this time Crea's Malfurion did what Crea's Thrall failed to do the series before - he equalized the game and forced the greatest finish to the first eHL Cycle - the last possible match. So now Wensushi was forced to bring out his Paladin, banking on justice against the wildness of the Druid - but to no avail. After an even game and a potentially surprising [card]Alexstrasza[/card] appearance in a Paladin deck, Crea built up a big board with [card]Chillwind Yeti[/card], [card]Azure Drake[/card] and a taunted [card]Ancient Watcher[/card], after Wensushi used both of his [card]Equality[/card] options. The game breaking moment sure was the sick topdeck of Crea a couple of turns before, drawing [card]The Black Knight[/card] right after Wensushi threatened to take a commanding lead on the board with [card]Tirion Fordring[/card]. The fortune was with Crea and so, he walks away with $100 SGD and a sure spot in the big eHL Season 1 Playoffs. Wensushi as the runner-up gets around $60 SGD and a shot at redemption at the offline playoffs on April, 12th.
Placement eHL Season 1 Cycle 1:
- 5./6.
Allura /
- 7./8.
Yamafuda /
Until then, the second cycle of eHL will take center stage, starting on March, 12th with another set of 32 hopefuls going into the group stage. Only one from each group will get the chance to play for the money and the spot in the playoffs, and only two will ultimately get there.
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