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General19 years ago

DHS06: Close-up on MYM


Draco is pumped to the max, Ciara, Susiria and Storm are still in the WSVG tournament, while their Counter-Strike team lost to Serious-Gaming in the first round. GosuGamers paid them a visit. Read on!

MeetYourMakers have quite an interesting lineup here at DreamHack Summer 2006 - Poland Draco, Korea Susiria, Korea Storm, Denmark Ciara, Germany Army and their Counter-Strike squad are present. They are participating in WSVG, and will if they can take part in the official tournaments as well. GosuGamers paid them a visit to see how they were doing, mostly talking to their organizer Army, one of the owners of MeetYourMakers. They have been quite busy today, with playing in the World Series of Video Games, their Counter-Strike squad and Susiria, Storm and Ciara. For their Counter-Strike squad, they lost in the first round, losing to Netherlands Serious-Gaming, and are now waiting in the Loser Bracket.

WSVG going good for the three WarCrafters

Susiria and Ciara are both in Loser Bracket, with Ciara reaching as far as Winner Bracket Round 4 after losing to SaSe. Susiria lost to SK.ElakeDuck in the Winner Bracket, but is still fighting in the Loser Bracket, starting tomorrow at 10:00 CET. The Human player Storm is still in Winner Bracket, and has been playing very good. But according to Army, it has been a pretty easy run for him so far. Ciara said that he had played alright.
- So far so good, he said. Army told GosuGamers that all three players wanted to play in the official tournament as well, but it might crash with the WSVG tournament. If they were free they were to participate.
- He's just as fast in the Battle.Net channels as playing, Army says and laughs.

Draco really prepared for the tournament

For the Polish Protoss Draco he hasn't been partaking in any tournaments as of yet. The StarCraft tournament is starting tomorrow at 14:00 CET, and since there is no StarCraft tournament for the WSVG he has done nothing but practicing. And looking at his speed and determination, he should be a tough nut to crack for the Swedish players taking part.

And for Army, he was brought in by the TV station GIGA to shoutcast the WarCraft 3 tournaments. He seems to have his hands full, and having a good time.

MeetYourMakers. From the left: Ciara, Draco, Army, Storm and Susiria

For more pictures from the DreamHack event (high resolution pictures), go to the DreamHack Summer 2006 Day 1 archive, linked below.

Links - DreamHack Summer 2006 Day 1 pictures - Not signed up yet? WarCraft 3 DreamHack tournament!