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2 years ago

The future classes of Diablo IV

With the Diablo IV beta now at an end, much speculation on different classes has been flying around, and we delve into what we could see in the future.

Diablo’s latest iteration has just seen two weekends of beta testing, with millions logging in across the globe and trying their hand at the classes on offer. During the early access period, only three classes were available; Rogue, Sorcerer, and Barbarian – while the full open beta added access to Necromancer and Druid. With only five classes, this is a step down from the roster of both Diablo II and III, which saw six and seven, respectively. However, it was later expansions or downloadable content which added to these games – so we have to wonder what Activision Blizzard has in store.

Moving from D3 through to 4, there is definitely a change in the way classes have been labelled, with the “Demon Hunter” falling away and the original Rogue coming back into play. Necromancer makes its triumphant return, having been a favourite in both the previous iterations of the franchise, although only added in much later for D3. With that in mind, we have to wonder why the likes of Monk, Witch Doctor, and Crusader/Paladin have been forgotten - and what else could be on the cards.


While WD was probably one of the least enjoyed classes in D3, the nature of the game made every class strong in a way, with sets being buffed to incredible numbers. While never keeping up with the likes of Wizard (Sorcerer) or Demon Hunter (Rogue), many still enjoyed the “fun” aspect of WD, which could see you become a chicken, blowing up the demons of hell with little to no effort. However, Witch Doctor does not seem to have a place in D4 right now, unless the lore follows through to unlock them in the future.

If WD were to make its way into D4, it would need to probably be made into a class that relies on “fetishes” or pets. While it is possible to have a damage over time (DoT) ranged class or build, Druid seems to still be the more favourable option – especially considering that Werewolf Druid is probably going to be one of the more highly played and adapted builds. That said, a reworked WD which relies solely on its army of pets could play too similarly to Necromancer – and mana will be just another boring resource.

I’m the Avatar

Monk was definitely a class that many people loved and enjoyed in D3, especially in seasons where it was able to push out ridiculous numbers in solo, rather than being in a support role in group play. D3’s ability to change and “balance” sets depending on the season definitely brought Monk into a whole new light – as people left the boring Seven-Sided Strike builds behind and moved into much more niche roles. It feels odd that Monk has currently been left out of the D4 roster – especially with such a short period between the two games canonically, and our pursuit of Lilith.

In my own opinion, Monk will possibly be returning to the game at a later period, possibly in an early DLC or expansion, bringing with it a similar playstyle to D3. Monk has a lot of options, especially for resource generation and skills – being a melee class which favours the use of fist weapons (or just their fists) and legs. Combo points could be an interesting way for Monk to function, where certain skills would build up to a maximum combo point limit and others would spend those points to deal damage. Alternatively, the support Monk could also make a return to buff allies and keep them alive.

Fist of the Heavens

With D4 moving back to a more dark and gritty feeling, similar to that of D2, it seems as though it is an extreme oversight by Blizzard to NOT include a Paladin or Crusader class. In Paladin lore, a sect of mighty crusaders split from the Hand of Zakarum, vowing to fight against the three Prime Evils; Diablo, Baal, and Mephisto. With Mephisto’s daughter being our main focal point in D4, it is odd to not have the mighty Paladin within our ranks once again.

With that said, much like the aforementioned Monk, Paladin has a high chance of making its return to the franchise in the future – although it still would make far more sense for the class to be part of the initial release. While D3 utilised Wrath as the Crusader’s resource, something more similar to Holy Power could be an interesting change if the class makes it into D4. This could be accumulated via certain skills, while others spend it once again – although this would make the class a bit too one-sided in my honest opinion.

The Valkyr theory

In late 2022, people began to look into D4 in a very in-depth manner, scrutinising images and advertisements and theorising what the game could bring. One of these theories points towards a sixth class, the Valkyrie, named after the skill of an Amazon in D2 in which you summon a strong Valkyrie warrior to fight by your side. With a spear and shield, the rumours pointed to an almost angelic being, although with a face – something we have not seen in the Franchise since Tyrael’s removal of his wings.

This possible “mistake” or “leak” could come to light in the future, with many aspects pointing towards a shield and spear class. The image above has since disappeared from official timelines but has been doing the rounds for months on end. It is possible that Activision Blizzard has hidden something in the shrouds of the game but all will only be revealed in June 2023, when Diablo IV officially releases.

There are tons of other rumours about possible future classes for D4, and if the game actually captivates and holds its audience on release, giving players a stunning story and endgame, then we might have a lot more than seven classes to look forward to. For now, these are the ones we feel are most pertinent (or not viable at all) for an early announcement, and with Blizzcon back on the cards this year, we are sure to see some massive announcements for the franchise.

Jarrad "Belandrial" AdamsBelandrial has spent most of his years following Dota 2 closely, but now has found a new home in the complex world of Mobile Esports. When not watching nearly every possible esports title available, you can find me running around Azeroth or building strange bases in Valheim.