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Zenless Zone Zero's first major update adds three banners and new story chapter

Image: HoYoverse

Zenless Zone Zero’s 1.1 update adds a selfie mode, new story content and more this month. 

HoYoverse has officially unveiled the contents of Zenless Zone Zero’s first major update, via today’s ‘Undercover R&B’ developer livestream. The developer unveiled the game's next two S-Rank banners - Qingyi and Jane Doe - in addition to a new story chapter. This chapter will focus on the New Eridu Public Security (NEPS) faction, and the complex dynamic its Agents share with the Mountain Lion Gang criminal syndicate. 

Here’s a teaser for the Version 1.1 Update, which arrives on August 14:

Version 1.1 Redemption Code:

Before we break down Version 1.1, here is the redemption code from the stream:

UNDERCOVERRNB 》300 Polychromes + 30k Dennys

Make sure to claim these before 23:59 of 4 August, 2024.

Breaking down Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.1’s new banners

First up: Zenless Zone Zero is adding three new banners in Version 1.1, and it looks like the rumours were true: Qingyi and Jane Doe are coming to the game as separate limited-time S-Rank banners, while Seth Lowell joins the roster as an A-Rank. Qingyi is an Electric Stun Agent much like Anby, skilled at inflicting Daze rapidly to stun enemies. Her electric attacks can also build up a meter called ‘Flash Connect Voltage’, which can eventually trigger a powerful attack. 

Qingyi, along with Billy and Corin, will appear in the Exclusive Signal Search banner in the first half of Version 1.1. The second half will rotate the trio out for a new featured S-Rank: Jane Doe. Jane is a Physical Anomaly Agent who can trigger a ‘Passion State’ by building up Passion Stream, using rapid multi-stage attacks while inflicting Attribute Anomaly on enemies. 

Jane is described as both “friend and foe” to the player and will appear as an enemy boss in the upcoming story chapter. She is also an important member of the Mountain Lion Gang. Jane will take up residence in the Exclusive banner with newcomer A-Rank Electric Defense Agent Seth Lowell, who buffs his teammates with a shield that also transforms into a giant sword. The duo will be joined by Anby in Version 1.1’s second half. A new S-Rank Bangboo named Officer Cui is also coming in the update. 


Version 1.1’s new story content and quality-of-life changes

Version 1.1’s new story chapter will see Zhu Yuan, Qingyi and Seth match wits with the Mountain Lion Gang, a criminal syndicate that has thus far managed to evade NEPS' hands thanks to Jane Doe. In a new twist on how Zenless Zone Zero’s story chapters are typically done, players will also be able to take on commissions and roam around New Eridu as Jane herself, uncovering her enigmatic shared history with NEPS in the process. 

Zenless Zone Zero is also adding a new ‘Inferno Reap’ mode in Hollow Zero, which becomes available after ticking off the Withering Garden stage. In this mode, players can take on a time trial battle with the Ethereal boss Nineveh. Inferno Reap will add a new range of rewards and can be attempted as many times as you’d like. You also won't have to deal with the game's TV sequences in this mode. Instead, you'll just pick Resonias and hop straight into battle. 

This update also adds a themed event called Camellia Golden Week, which gives players resources like Polychromes and upgrade materials in exchange for completing event commissions. More new events are coming, along with more features for the in-game camera mode. That includes a selfie mode, which finally gives Belle and Wise a way to take pictures with their favourite Agents. 

Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.1 launches on August 14, 2024. You have less than two weeks to save up for either Qingyi or Jane Doe, so good luck!

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!