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apex legends season 19 ignite conduit the philippines filipino utang na loob storm point


1 year ago

Conduit, cross-progression, and cosmetics galore with Apex Legends Season 19

Image(s) credit: Respawn

Conduit, cross-progression, and the “can't see shit” meta fix are coming to Apex Legends Season 19: Ignite.

Apex Legends season 19: Ignite is set to be released tomorrow, October 31 and with it a host of new changes and updates coming to the battle royale. One of the biggest updates will be the introduction of the game's newest legend Conduit, who was introduced last week in its latest episode of “Stories from the Outlands: For Us, Utang na Loob”. Conduit will be the first Filipino legend to join the party and the first-ever Southeast Asian to be part of the list.

But aside from Conduit being the latest and greatest inclusion to Apex Legends, the people at Respawn Entertainment and EA have finally introduced cross-progression. This has been a hot topic within the community since it was first announced in one of Respawn's Reddit AMAs years ago and after two years of waiting, it's finally here. Another new addition that will be making its return to Apex Legends is Storm Point, which has had a facelift after it was ravaged by a horrible storm.

And with Storm Point back into the rotation, this means that World's Edge will be out of the pool. Joining Storm Point in the map rotation pool will be Olympus and Broken Moon. Anti-cheat updates are also a thing now in-game as players will be able to get real-time notifications on the kill feed of a banned player. Holysprays whilst sky diving is another new feature added to the game.


New Legend: Conduit

Conduit will be the 25th legend to join the ever-growing roster of the Apex Games as well as the sixth Support character in the game. This gives Conduit all the perks of a Support legend, which includes being able to open the extended blue supply bins as well as crafting fallen teammates' banners once it's timed out. And given Conduit's kit, it makes sense why she's the latest Support legend. 

As for the lore surrounding Conduit, the latest 'Stories from the Outlands' short showcased her backstory that revolved around her life on Nexus where she lived with her family. Having been saved by a Monarch Titan in her youth during the Frontier Wars, she would eventually join the Apex Games to give her family a better life. Conduit uses a fallen Monarch Titan battery to power her suit and abilities, which she then transfers over to the battlefield.

Respawn has gone down the Southeast Asian route and introduced its first-ever legend of Filipino descent. The Philippines has seen great representation in esports over the years as Riot Games introduced two Filipino-inspired characters in both League of Legends and VALORANT.



Savior's Speed - Passive

  • Gain a burst of speed when running towards a teammate out of tactical range.


Radiant Transfer - Tactical

  • Restores up to 60 shields at a rate of 7.5 points per second over 8 seconds.


Energy Barricade - Ultimate

  • Deploy an array of shield-jamming devices which damage and slow enemies. (2.5-minute charge time)


Storm Point Update

Storm Point has become a mainstay in the ALGS as it is one of two maps in the rotation pool for the competitive scene. However, it was taken off the rotation in Season 17 due to terrible storms that struck the island. This resulted in multiple POIs getting desecrated in the process as even the IMC Armories were not spared. However, with the help of Wattson and the Syndicate, they were able to bring power and breathe new life back to Storm Point.

As Storm Point is the largest map in Apex Legends to date, the overall size of the map has since been reduced with season 19 to improve mid-game spacing. This included significant map reductions to both the southern coastlines and the northern mountainous area with the hopes of making these areas more attractive for earlier combat while also cutting down on the overall distance between squads.

The IMC Armories were also no match for the storm as it left only remnants of what used to be a place for great loot and to level one's armour. While some high-tier loot may still remain within the supply bins, the IMC Spectres will not be around to defend it this time.

Wattson's Pylon & Forbidden Zone

And through that, the devs have introduced a new town takeover with Wattson as her POI, the Pylon has replaced Antenna, which sat towards the southern end of the map. This new POI was intended to be the new hot drop zone for players who are looking to fight from the get-go. It also features vertical ziplines towards the upper levels of The Pylon, which is a classic gameplay trope that can be found on World's Edge. The top floor of The Pylon is Wattson's room, which also has some interesting details related to Nessies…

There is also a Charge Tower at the centre of the POI as well as a Gravity Cannon that will launch players into the reworked Forbidden Zone. Speaking of which, the POI that was once an infested Prowler's nest has now been completely redone after the terrible lightning from the storm scared away the Prowlers. With parts of the perimeter fence now gone, the Forbidden Zone now features additional structures and various forms of cover around the area that also includes the already existing buildings that somehow survived it all.


ECHO HQ & Coastal Camp

ECHO structures have been a mainstay on King's Canyon for some time now and the devs at Respawn have decided to bring the ECHO HQ to Storm Point, which will take over the southern coast POI that was previously known as Gale Station. A large imposing structure, it will have a massively open interior with maintenance tunnels around the exterior for protected flanking and a central zipline for easy rooftop access.

While not specifically stated in the Season 19: Ignite update, Coastal Camp will replace what's left of Lonely Island and Ship Fall after the storm. The coastline was pulled in to further reduce the size of the map, which resulted in a large playable space condensed into a much smaller area. It will also provide a much better connection to nearby POIs like Wattso's Pylon and ECHO HQ. There is also a new mountain rotation between Coastal Camp and Barometer, which will make for more creative ways a team can manoeuvre around the map.


ZEUS & CETO Station

The northern part of the map also got some rework that included two new POIs named ZEUS Station and CETO Station, both of which were constructed to support Wattson's efforts in restoring power back to Storm Point. ZEUS Station is located in the northern mountains near Lightning Rod as a direct replacement for High Point. This symmetrical POI was created to make a more viable option for players who are dropping on the high side of the map. ZEUS Station will still retain its sole re-deploy balloon in the entire map and it now also features a new pathway that cuts through the mountains to connect the POI directly to Lightning Rod.

As for CETO Station, it replaces the Prowler Island that used to reside just off the centre of the map but was a crucial rotation point for many POIs. Given the infestation of Prowlers in previous seasons, it has now become CETO Station, that can also function as a new hot drop zone. This is due to its centralised location which is also nearby other POIs in the vicinity.


Devastated Coast

The POI known as Fish Farms was the most badly affected area by the storm, which has since resulted in half-flooded walkways and destroyed buildings. However, ECHO has stepped in and built a protective wall to reinforce the central river from future flooding while also creating a new structure that defines the ridgeline. There is also a building suspended by a nearby crane that can provide a great position for when the zone pulls in your favour.



The talk of cross-progression has been on every player's lips since it was first spoken of two years ago and now, it's finally here. This will now allow you to have one account across all platforms, whether it be on PC, PlayStation, or Xbox. However, players must note that as cross-progression is rolling out on existing platforms, players will be phased over a period of time to ensure stability for this anticipated feature.

Be on the lookout for an in-game prompt that will initiate the migration to bring together your content and progression. Cross-progression data will be associated with your EA account, which is the main way you will have to merge your accounts together. But due to the nature of merging accounts across platforms, various aspects of Apex Legends like Apex Coins, Crafting Materials, etc. etc. will be impacted differently.

It's also worth pointing out that any secondary Apex Legends accounts created after October 26 for the same EA account, will not be eligible to be merged. Be sure to check out the full blog post to find out more.


Ranked Updates

The competitive ranked environment in Apex Legends has become a toxic cesspool for quite some time now as the grind to become the number one ranked predator has become nothing more than a popularity contest. And given the number of cheese strats that have been introduced into the game, Respawn may have finally found a way to prevent players from boosting their ranks through various methods of staying alive outside of the zone without having to fight.

Instead of automatically ranking up once you hit the threshold for a given rank, you will now have to complete challenges to move up. The Promotional Trials are a set of time-limited skill challenges that players must complete to rank up. It also ensures a minimum skill level for each ranked tier. Here is what the Promotional Trials will look like for each rank:


Trial TierMain ConditionAlternate Condition
Rookie → BronzeWin a game

During the Trial:

  • 3x Top 10 placement
  • Get 3 Kills/Assists
Bronze → SilverWin a game

During the Trial:

  • 3x Top 5 placement
  • Get 6 Kills/Assists
Silver → GoldWin a game

In 3 different matches complete both:

  • Place Top 10
  • Get 3 Kills/Assists
Gold → PlatinumWin a game

In 3 different matches complete both:

  • Place Top 5
  • Get 6 Kills/Assists
Platinum → DiamondWin a gameN/A
Diamond → MasterWin a gameN/A






Balance Updates

Crafting Rotation

  • RE-45 and 30-30 Repeater leave the crafter and are back on the floor
  • R-301 and Volt enter the crafter
  • Boosted Loader removed from crafting rotation
  • Digital Threat Optic removed from crafting rotation
  • Hammerpoint Rounds added to crafting rotation


Care Package Weapon Rotation

  • L-Star EMG returns to the floor
    • Removed Disruptor Rounds
    • Projectile size reduced
    • Improved recoil pattern
    • Reduced randomness in the early part of the recoil pattern
    • Damage increased to 17 (was 16)
    • Barrel attachment improved to match other weapons
  • Wingman enters the care package
    • New hop-up - Skullpiercer Elite: ignores helmet headshot damage reduction
    • Boosted Loader hop-up attached
    • Base damage increased to 50 (was 45)
    • Projectile size increased
    • 110 ammo


Care Packages

  • Care Packages will now always have 1 weapon at all stages of the game


Gold Weapons Rotation

  • Havoc, RE-45, C.A.R. SMG, L-Star, Longbow DMR



  • Boosted Loader: removed from floor loot
  • Turbocharger: Removed 1 damage reduction when equipped



30-30 Repeater

  • Increased hipfire spread


Bocek Bow

  • Faster initial draw speed
  • Select Fire button now toggles Shatter Caps
  • Tightened Shatter Caps blast pattern


Charge Rifle

  • Improved bullet drop ballistics
  • Increased projectile size



  • Damage reduced to 21 (was 22)


Longbow DMR

  • Increased projectile size



  • Increased Amped Shot projectile size




  • Double Time: reduced duration to 2s (was 3s)
  • Smoke Launcher: smoke lifetime reduced to 18s (was 23s)
  • Rolling Thunder: stun duration reduced to 6s (was 8s)



  • Piercing Spikes
    • Core no longer blocks projectiles, allowing bullets to pass through
    • Max in-world count reduced to 2 (was 3)
    • Throw range decreased by about 50%
  • Dark Veil
    • Cooldown now starts after the wall comes down
    • Reduced lifetime to 25s (was 30s)


Passive Updates

  • Pathfinder’s Insider Knowledge: can now scan Care Packages after allies have already scanned them
  • Wraith’s Voices from the Void: reduced look time required to trigger (feels more reliable/consistent)


Ultimate Updates

  • Newcastle’s Castle Wall
    • Reduced recovery time on landing
    • Increased max leap height
  • Revenant’s Forged Shadows: reduced time extension window for assists to 3s (was 30s)
  • Vantage’s Sniper’s Mark: bullet count increased to 6 (was 5)




  • Addressed a number of bugs and rat spots
  • Addressed known exploits to get underneath the map


Kings Canyon

  • Addressed multiple rat spots
  • Fixed geo holes in the world between Relic and Caustic Treatment

Storm Point

  • Added two Mixtape maps based on new POIs (ZEUS Station and Wattson’s Pylon)
  • Addressed a number of bugs and rat spots


World Systems

  • Players now respawn with the shields and weapons that they had when they were eliminated
    • Body shield and helmet level are preserved
    • Knockdown shield is reset to white
    • Backpacks are removed
    • Inventory will contain some ammo for their weapons, two syringes, and two shield cells
    • Weapons are maintained, unless that weapon was a care package weapon, and all weapon attachments are removed, including from kitted weapons
  • Replicator, Ring Console, and Survey Beacon spawn rates have returned to being even across all POIs



Mixtape Map Rotation

  • Control
    • Caustic Treatment and Siphon are out
    • Barometer and Production Yard are in
  • Gun Run
    • Skulltown and Fragment are out
    • The Core is in
    • New map: Wattson's Pylon
  • TDM
    • Fragment and Habitat are out
    • Phase Runner is in
    • New Map: Zeus Station


Bug Fixes

  • Closed an exploit that allowed players to survive ring damage longer than expected using the Phase Runner on Olympus
  • Death Boxes can no longer fall into unreachable areas - or lava
  • Heat Shields can no longer stick to Tridents
  • Heat Shields no longer provide protection above them on higher ground
  • Holster weapon UI no longer appears when healing outside the ring
  • Knockdown Shield FX no longer remains on while spectating
  • Longbow’s Dawn’s Awakening skin no longer has a visible barrel with scopes
  • Nemesis’ Demon’s Whisper skin no longer obstructs player's view
  • Provisional badge icon was restored on the Ranked match summary screen
  • Rarity display now updates after equipping from the store or pack opening
  • Resolved occasional “[UI] Array index 100000000 is out of range (array size 45)” error when launching the game
  • Revenant now faces the direction he is shooting in third person view
  • Skydiving into an exiting respawn dropship will no longer propel the player along with it
  • Squad sorting is now consistent between HUD and Inventory
  • Swapping to lower-tiered armour after taking damage no longer requires refreshing the Death Box



  • Resolved rare cases where the priority system would kill certain local player weapon sounds at an incorrect time



  • Fixed squads’ animated poses sometimes ghost slightly on each other
  • PC
    • Fixed Intel ARC graphics cards defaulting to suboptimal video settings
    • Fixed issue with low-resolution textures when using adaptive supersampling or after changing resolution
  • PC DX12: fixed occasional bad triangle rendering on AMD cards



  • Loba: Tactical is no longer cancelled when thrown on a tower near Containment
  • Mirage: resolved not breaking cloak sometimes when switching weapons
  • Revenant
    • Assassin’s instinct
      • Digital threats now highlight enemies after being highlighted by Assassin’s Instinct
      • Fixed cases where enemies were not being highlighted correctly
      • Highlight no longer interferes with other legend highlights
      • Highlight now applies to Mirage decoys
      • Forged Shadows shroud no longer gets stuck on indefinitely (previous hotfix)
  • Wattson: fences now collapse when the round ends, preventing ongoing damage to audio in the post-match screen


Quality of Life

  • Added Offscreen Portraits setting
  • Caustic: restored “Shield Cracked” VO in German
  • Firing Range: blue Nessie stays hidden for now… but a new challenger has appeared
  • Implemented additional security measures
  • Improved PC controller support
    • Controller input will no longer be processed when a different window has focus
    • Added native support for PS4 and PS5 Bluetooth-connected controllers. Players who have been relying on Steam Input to use PS4 and PS5 controllers over Bluetooth should disable that setting in Steam.
  • Mixtape: assists are now awarded for Assisted Kills by ALL Teammates in modes where multiple squads are teamed together
  • Pings
    • Ping Enemies on the map: double-clicking the Ping Button will place an Enemy Ping on the map at that position
    • Reply to Enemy Pings with Ok, Hold On, and Wait ping reply options
  • Rampart: players can now pick up their amped walls while in placement mode
  • Revenant 
    • Add vibration support when Forged Shadows shield is damaged, and when the shield reforms or breaks
    • Improve vibration support when charging Shadow Pounce


Localised Audio

Localised audio is being moved out of the base game package on PlayStation. Users who play Apex Legends in languages other than English will need to download the free Additional Content pack that contains the audio for their preferred language. In-game text is not impacted by this change.