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Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty expansion brings a huge game overhaul

Image: CD Projekt Red

Cyberpunk 2077’s Update 2.0 brings huge changes that might finally ‘fix’ the game. 

Cyberpunk 2077’s upcoming expansion Phantom Liberty launches next month with a brand-new story campaign and playable area, but it also brings an avalanche of changes to the base game for free. Billed as ‘Update 2.0’, the expansion will rework fundamental aspects of the game players have deemed broken for years now, with improved police AI, more than a hundred new items, a revamped skill tree and ‘endless dynamic events’. 

Watch CD Projekt Red’s trailer for Update 2.0 below:

Update 2.0 is a huge and completely free patch for the base game, but its changes also apply to the Phantom Liberty expansion. First off, the skill tree has been revamped with new and improved abilities that will hopefully give the player access to a bigger variety of playstyles and builds. The game’s perks system has also been redesigned with several new additions, which will come in handy considering that enemy combat AI has also been improved, so enemies will now behave more dynamically in fights. These changes mostly mean that you won’t have to use skill points just to bump up percentages anymore, but to buy cooler abilities that let you deflect bullets with swords, air dash and auto-kill batches of enemies with the revolver. 

Remember how police would just… spawn next to players when a crime was committed? Update 2.0 will hopefully make that a thing of the past with its new police system, which makes the NCPD a lot smarter and more capable of responding to players in more realistic ways. For example, police will now set up roadblocks and try to ram players off the road during car chases. Fortunately, players can also fight back with the introduction of vehicle combat, which lets them fire off guns while driving and quickhack other vehicles on the fly. 

Phantom Liberty is also adding some new stuff separate from the base game. The expansion adds all-new Relic abilities that let you upgrade existing gear like the Mantis Blades and Gorilla Arms to make them even more powerful. The game is also getting ‘endless dynamic events and missions’, which will hopefully give you more reasons to keep playing post-campaign. 

Phantom Liberty adds a new exploreable district called Dogtown, where players will delve into the dangerous world of political espionage with a sleeper agent named Solomon Reed (Idris Elba). The expansion also adds new quests, gigs and more than a hundred items to the game. Phantom Liberty and Update 2.0 will launch for Cyberpunk 2077 on September 26, 2023. 

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!