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broken moon apex legends season 15 eclipse


2 years ago

Everything you need to know about Broken Moon, the latest map coming to Apex Legends

Image credit: Respawn Entertainment

Broken Moon will be released with the latest update on November 1.

In just one week from now, the latest season of Apex Legends will be dropping on all platforms, bringing with it a brand new map called Broken Moon as well as a new legend named Catalyst. And to sweeten the deal while we wait for the new patch to drop on November 1, Respawn Entertainment just released the latest gameplay trailer.

This gives us a greater look at what Broken Moon has to offer alongside many neat additions that will be coming to the game in a week. Respawn has also gone one step further with an in-depth piece on their website regarding Broken Moon and all of its places of interest (POIs). It shares a similar size to World's Edge but with 14 POIs to choose from, it's looking to be one of the game's more exciting maps to date.

Zip rails are the new way of getting around Broken Moon. (Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

Zip rails will be the main point of rotating around the map as it connects to various predetermined paths. Much like zip lines seen in the past four maps, zip rails will allow you to travel much faster and further while still leaving you susceptible to gunfire. It will also be harder to aim due to the increased speed at which you'll be travelling.

Here are all the POIs:

  • Terraformer
  • Stasis Net Array
  • Atmostation and Backup Atmo
  • Perpetual Core
  • Bionomics
  • The Divide
  • Alpha Base
POIs are designed to accommodate multiple teams upon drop. (Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)
  • Eternal Gardens
  • Breaker Wharf
  • Production Yard
  • The Foundry
  • Dry Gulch
  • Cultivation
  • Promenades
Lush landscapes are abundant in Broken Moon. (Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

With 14 POIs to drop into, Respawn will be hoping that there will be fewer hot drops on Broken Moon as opposed to previous maps. Many of the POIs are also large enough to accommodate multiple squads at a time (up to four in some areas) to ensure teams have enough time to loot before they shoot.

Respawn will also be introducing a new battle pass for Season 15 that will feature new skins for the likes of Revenant, Catalyst, Ash, and more. Reactive gun skins will also be available. Aside from that, there is also a new gifting feature that will be part of the game's ecosystem. Respawn has also added stickers to the mix of cosmetics you can have. Stickers will apply to healing items and will be a new and permanent addition to the game.

Apex Legends Season 15: Eclipse drops on November 1.

Teh "GravityWillFall" Wi-LiamA failed pro-am gamer turned into a filthy casual with an unhealthy obsession for keyboards and sneakers.