Valve has added a new tool to Dota 2 that allows players to toy with experimental features.
Dota Labs comes with three initial features, already available for all players to test. Based on feedback and data gathered by Valve, the three features will get tinkered and might become permanent options in the game.
Dota Labs initial features
Lina, Necrophos, Lion, Vengeful Spirit, Doom and all players who like to spam heroes with big single target spells will be happy to find out that Valve is bringing a solution for those moments when a creep is sent into oblivion by a Finger of Death, for example.
Modifier Key Filter Bindings is built to eliminate the misclick potential by allowing the players to bind modifier keys that, when held, will force the target selection to enemies, allies, creeps or heroes.
Another feature from the Dota Labs is meant to improve map awareness by all players in the game. Carry players who more often than not are missing the enemy ganks coming their way by not paying attention to the mini map, should be happy to find out that Valve is looking at ways to implement a map overlay.
Overlay Map is a feature very similar to those used in ARPG games and it has the same function. It’s a transparent, full-screen map that can be brought up by pressing whatever key you choose to bind it to.

For those who easily lose their hero from view in chaotic team fights, Valve is proposing an improved health bar that should make things easier to see.
High-Visibility Local Hero Health Bar significantly changes the styling and readability of only your hero's nameplate.
Dota Labs tool was implemented in the game along with the Dota Plus Spring update which comes with a new seasonal treasure, updated seasonal quests and guild rewards as well as the Winter Battle Report.
The Dota Plus Spring treasure can be purchased with 12,000 Dota Plus Shards and it contains new sets for Disruptor, Dark Willow, Spectre, Chaos Knight, Doom, Earth Spirit, Underlord, and Nyx Assassin.
Additionally, there is also a chance to receive the Sir Molestach Irondrill courier, which comes with random prismatic and ethereal gems.