BetBoom Team defeated 2-0 to secure top 6 at TI12, with the second game going the distance in the form of an 87 minute nail-biter.
The International brings out some of the best Dota 2 of the year, and that is the case with The International 2023 (TI12) as well. With some amazing games already played out during the first two weekends, the first series of the finals weekend brought an insane 87 minute game that nearly saw one of the largest comebacks in the history of The International championships.
The two Eastern European powerhouses, BetBoom Team and went up against each other in the lower bracket of TI12. The elimination game really went down to the wire and delivered for not just the crowd in the Climate Pledge Arena, but for all the Dota 2 fans watching all over the world.

The matchup was slightly unexpected in two ways. BetBoom has been one of the strongest teams this season, so many would have expected them to be in the upper bracket during the finals weekend. On the other hand, not many would have predicted to make it to the top 8. The burden of expectations lay on BetBoom Team.
And as per the expectations, BetBoom absolutely smashed in game 1. It might have taken 45 minutes for them to end the game, but it was always tilted in their favor right from the laning stage. The final kill score was 36-13 in BetBoom’s favor.
Coming back from a loss like that in front of thousands of spectators and playing for a prize pool of millions of dollars can be a daunting task, especially for youngsters who haven’t experienced something like this before. But in game 2, VP came to play and really got off to a great start, garnering a 4,000 net worth lead in 15 minutes. But BetBoom had this hero called Spirit Breaker, who charges to any lane, kills the entire creep wave, and keeps repeating it. With Spirit Breaker pushing out lanes and the other two cores farming, BetBoom pulled back the net worth deficit with a couple of well taken fights, and built up a huge lead of their own. At 59 minutes, the net worth lead was 43,000 with mega creeps entering the battle to take down the Ancient.
43,000 net worth lead, mega creeps, and 5 Divine Rapiers
But that’s when things started to go south for BetBoom. They just could not bring down the Ancient, and every time they attempted it, Muerta’s damage was more than enough to deter them. With multiple holds, Refresher Orbs and Divine Rapiers, it got to a point where VP seemed more likely to win it. The only thing in favor of BetBoom was the lanes going in their favor due to the mega creeps, and Spirit Breaker pushing out all three lanes. Both teams were playing so safe that from 68 minutes to 81 minutes, there were no hero kills in the game!
The turning point came when Muerta tried to do a cheeky X-Marks the Spot teleport and take down the last set of barracks, but got caught. That was followed up by BetBoom walking down to the enemy Ancient, and taking it down amidst an insanely chaotic fight, in which they needed the help of Wraith King’s Scepter to have their ghosts hit the throne.
BetBoom’s Undying, being six slotted and getting multiple Decay’s off with his Aghanim’s Scepter, often ended up having more than 10000 HP!
BetBoom Team secure top 6 with that crazy win, and will face the loser of LGD and Azure Ray on the second day of the TI12 finals weekend (28th of October). may have been eliminated, but they go out with their heads held high. This is a group of players with a lot of potential, and we will see a lot more of them in the years to come.