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Dota 2 patch 7.34c is here with balance changes after the TI12 qualifiers

After the TI12 qualifiers shed light on how the meta looks, Valve have released Dota 2 patch 7.34c to even the odds.

We are getting closer and closer to The International 2023 (TI12) and there will be no major Dota 2 patch released before the biggest Dota 2 tournament of the year. But there certainly will be balance patches, and one has arrived right after the TI12 qualifiers in the form of Dota 2 patch 7.34c.

Patch 7.34c does not have any overhauling changes as such that will completely flip the meta. It is a bit of adjustment to one item, four neutral items and 57 heroes. Is that right? Well, that is a lot of heroes! Heroes that did well in the TI12 qualifiers have been nerfed, and those that were neglected have been buffed. Here is a look at some of the interesting changes

Arc Warden’s Tempest Double will now always spawn with full health. This is a great when the hero gets ganked. Even though he might die, the Tempest Double can be ready at full strength to exact some revenge.

Centaur has been buffed for the last few patches, but still saw less than 5 picks in the TI12 qualifiers. If he doesn’t get picked now, pretty soon he is going to have perma Stampede!

Earthshaker has been one of the strongest mid heroes in pubs this meta, but with the nerfs from patch 7.34c, right click Earthshaker is definitely going to take a hit.

Invoker, who is probably the strongest mid hero of the meta, will take hits to his Quas-Wex build, which is the more popular one right now.


Artour “Arteezy” Babaev wanted the Aghahim’s Shard upgraded E.M.P to completely ignore debuff immune units. It seems like IceFrog at least met him halfway.

It’s always heartwarming to see a melee hero get some attack range. It isn’t as high as Monkey King (300), but it is bound to make life easier for Magnus in the laning stage.

Omniknight literally has a 6 seconds BKB as a spell on a 30 second cooldown. This has come down from 45 seconds when Repel was reworked in Dota 2 patch 7.34. Can teams please start picking him now?!

Sand King has been doing well, but still managed to burrow his way into some buffs. Good for him, because it has been a long time since Crixalis was a prominent part of the meta.

Popular streamer Manuel “Grubby” Schenkhuizen is definitely happy with the Sand King buffs!

There’s definitely some interesting changes in Dota 2 patch 7.34c to renew interest in the meta. Time to get in the game and try a few things out!

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.