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Dota 2, TI12, patch 7.34

The most and least popular heroes in professional Dota 2 over the last two years

As the release of Dota 2 patch 7.34 approaches, we take a look at the most and least popular heroes in the professional scene since TI10.

Image: biggreenpepper on DeviantArt

Dota 2 patches keep coming and going (although recently, they’ve been lingering on for a bit too long). Heroes change as the meta changes and the game stays fresh. But there are certain heroes that are always strong picks, even with a change in the meta. Similarly at the other end of the spectrum, there are heroes that barely get picked over the course of a number of patches.

Dota 2 patch 7.34 is about to be released in the next few days, before the beginning of the TI12 qualifiers on the 17th of August. That will be the patch on which The International 2023 (TI12) will be played, so it is intriguing to see which heroes will be nerfed and which wones will be buffed. While we wait for patch 7.34 to brace the game, let’s take a look at which heroes have been the most and least popular in the professional scene since after TI10, which is roughly the last two years. The total professional games played during that time is in the vicinity of 11480 games. All data has been taken from datDota.

Most played heroes since TI10

Looking at the 20 most played list of heroes, a lot of them are ones that are popular even right now. Tiny is the most played hero with nearly 3000 games, and has a pick rate of over 25%. Considering that is accross nearly two years, it’s quite insane. It isn’t a surprise as the Stone Giant has been played in all positions except position 5 over the last few patches. And even though he isn’t the most popular pick now, he still is picked once in a while as either a mid or a position 4 support.

Others like Rubick, Ember Spirit, Snapfire, Pangolier, Beastmaster, Mirana, Undying, Enchantress, Doom and Batrider have been meta heroes for what seems like an eternity. These are the ones that really need major nerfs to keep them out of the professional meta for a while.

There are a few like Bane, Disruptor and Tusk that were extremely popular for a short duration, which is when they racked up all the games under their belt. If any of the heroes in this list are to be buffed it is these three. The others definitely do not need buffs, and some need to be nerfed to the ground.

Most picked heroes since TI10 (taken from datDota)

Least played heroes since TI10

It isn’t so happy and dandy at the other end of the list, where the 20 least played heroes are viewed. The 20th one, Dazzle, has a pick rate slightly higher than a measly 3%. Everyone else on the list is below that, which is an absolute tragedy.

A lot of heroes in the list like Meepo, Huskar, Tinker, Necrophos and Bristleback are popular pub picks, and have decent win rates in pubs. There are few heroes which are tricky to balance in a way that they can be viable picks in professional games, but aren’t broken in pubs.

But then there are a few that have been the victims of failed experimentation. Huskar seemed to be doing fine, but his rework a few patches ago has not worked out in the hero’s favor. Clinkz is probably the most reworked hero in Dota 2 history, and though he is being picked here and there in patch 7.33, the Bone Fletcher is not a stable meta pick. The award for most Scepter reworks goes to Dazzle, with the Shadow Priest currently possessing possibly the worst ultimate in the game.

Least picked heroes since TI10 (taken from datDota)

An interesting thing to note is that no hero has a win rate of over 60%, even in the highest picked list of heroes. The highest win rate in this period is on Mirana at 56.44% (1949 games), while the lowest is on Drow Ranger with 41.87% (652 games). IceFrog and Valve do a great job keeping even the popular heroes balanced, and making sure the win rates stay in the 40% to 60% bracket. It would be heartening to see that happening with the pick rate as well.

While the massive changes from Dota 2 patch 7.33 have made the game a lot more competitive and fun to watch, some heroes are missed in the professional scene. A well placed Chaotic Offering or a last minute Shallow Grave that turns the fight on its head are a joy to watch. It would be fun to see at least some of these names pop up on the drafting screens when the best in the business travel to Seattle in October 2023. We will find out soon enough when Dota 2 patch 7.34 is released. GosuGamers will bring you all the details on which of these heroes got the good end of deal, and who ended up drawing the short straw.

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.