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Primal Beast Dota 2

Primal Beast arcana released; makes the hero look like Roshan

Primal Beast is the latest recipient of an arcana, in which he looks like Roshan.

Primal Beast was released into the Dota 2 along with patch 7.31 a little over a month ago. The hero hasn’t been the most popular newcomer to the game, and it seems to boost up interest in him, Valve have released an arcana for Primal Beast. The arcana is available in the game for $34.00.

An initial glance at the Primal Beast arcana reveals that it makes the hero look a lot like Roshan. He has the two horns and the Aegis in between the eyes.

There are three possible reasons why the Primal Beast arcana makes him look like Roshan.

The first possible reason is that Valve have lost interest in designing arcanas and they are putting out the most basic thing they can think of. Both, Primal Beast and Roshan, are non-human monsters who don’t have any voice lines, so might as well make them look like each other.

The second reason is far more interesting – The Dota 2 lore has a connection between the two beasts. In the primordial universe, these two beasts could have been created from the same source and have come to that realization once they set afoot on the same battlefield. This could make for some interesting voice lines, and perhaps, an intriguing video by SirActionSlacks about the lore that connects them.

Or the third, and 100% likely scenario, is that this is an April Fools post. There is no arcana, but if you look at the mirror, you might just see someone who got fooled!

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.