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Primal Beast arrives in Dota 2 with patch 7.31 along with host of other changes

Dota 2 patch 7.31 has brought a new hero in the form of Primal Beast, a rework to Techies, new items and host of changes to items and heroes.

After long last, Dota 2 patch 7.31 has arrived, and as promised, it has brought with it a plethora of changes, ranging from a new hero, a major rework to an old nemesis, new items and a whole lot more! The entire set of changes can be found here. Let’s take a quick look at the major changes that have been introduced to the game of Dota 2.


1) Primal Beast

You thought you got rid of the Primal Beast with the end of Aghanim’s Labyrinth? Well think again! Primal Beast has propelled itself into Dota 2 as the newest hero. It is a strength hero, and is an initiator, disabler and a durable monster. Its abilities are very similar to what you got to see in the final room of the Continuum Vault. Although he does not have an Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade, IceFrog has been gracious enough to him and Aghanim’s Shard upgrade. All the abilities of the Primal Beast can be looked at in detail here. You might just find yourself shouting out “He’s gonna rush you boys” or “Rocks! Rocks!” just like Aghanim.


2) Techies Rework

The only revelation about Dota 2 patch 7.31 a few days ago was that it would have a Techies rework. The rework has led to Stasis Trap and Remote Mines being removed, and have been replaced by Sticky Bomb and Reactive Tazer. While it is hard to tell right away, it seems like IceFrog and Valve have made Techies into less of a game destroying menace and more of a team player that can contribute to team fights.


3) New Neutral Creeps

Some of the creeps from the Continuum Vault seem to have hitched a ride with the Primal Beast to make it into the game. The entire jungling meta is bound to change with the new neutral creeps introduced to the skirmish.


4) New Items

Three new items have been introduced to the game:

  • Revenant’s Brooch
  • Wraith Pact
  • Boots of Bearing

All three items cost quite a bit of gold, but the positive side of it is, they all build from smaller items which find use early in the game. Items like Witch Blade, Vladmir’s Offering and Drum of Endurance, which might not have seemed like the best purchases in the long run previously, are more lucrative with the advent of patch 7.31, as they can be upgraded to something better.

Besides the new items, a lot of old items have undergone rework. There are, however, no new neutral items.


5) General Updates, Item Changes, Hero Changes

Along with the changes mentioned above, there are many more changes to general gameplay, items and heroes that will have a tremendous impact on the game. As the dust settles and the secrets of Dota 2 patch 7.31 start revealing themselves, GosuGamers will be here, bringing you all the details.

Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.