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Dota 26 years ago

EE and Sneyking join forces with Infamous

Photo courtesy of Dreamhack

After disappointing results for EE and Sneyking, the two North American's have joined up with South American team Infamous before the Bucharest Minor qualifiers. 

The qualifiers for The Chongqing Major are now officially over and all the teams and players that missed out on attending the second Major event of the new DPC 2018-2019 season have set their sights on The Bucharest Minor. With qualifiers starting immediately, there was little time to waste. 

The NA qualifiers yielded disappointing results for Jacky 'EternaLEnVy' Mao's new stack Ultra Plus, also featuring Jingju 'Sneyking' Wu, who both parted ways with compLexity Gaming last month. The team narrowly missed out from competing in the Major after two consecutive 2:0 sweeps in the playoffs. Wasting no time, it seemed the players had already made a decision on their future for the minor qualifiers scheduled immediately. 

It was shortly after that, a new home was announced for EE and Sneyking. 

Heading south, the players have joined up with Infamous Gaming, which also was unable to secure a place at the Chongqing Major. Infamous wasn't even able to progress past the group stage in the SA qualifiers and looked to make a big change for Bucharest Minor. 

The South American Bucharest Minor open qualifiers start at 22:00 CET and the boys will need to get through the unforgiving best-of-one elimination rounds today and then the best-of-three playoffs to secure one of the two places allocated for the closed qualifiers. Fans can keep a close eye on their progress HERE

Infamous Roster:

Canada Jacky 'EternaLEnVy' Mao
Peru Enzo 'Timado' Gianoli
Argentina Mariano 'Papita' Caneda
United States Jingju 'Sneyking' Wu
Peru Joel Mori 'MoOz' Ozambela

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2