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Dota 27 years ago

TI8 talent list revealed; welcoming new faces to the big event

The TI8 talent list has been revealed and the community can welcome new faces such as BSJ, Kyle, and March to the list of tried-and-true favorites of Redeye and Machine.   

Every year fans eagerly await the news on who will be bringing all of the action to life and producing the creative content the community has grown to love at The International. This year, Valve has given some space to a few newcomers to the broadcast as well as bringing back some of the popular veterans to the center stage.

There will be a total of six hosts for the event. Alexander 'Machine' Richardson and Paul 'Redeye' Chaloner are expected to be at front and center, most likely splitting the duties between main event and group stage as was done last year with the co-hosts. Will Chobra has been present at several ESL events as the host and will be making his appearance at TI8. Jorien 'Sheever' Van Der Heijden will be making a triumphant return, after missing last year, due to her medical issues that are now fortunately in remission. 

Kaci Aitchison and Jake 'SirActionSlacks' Kanner will be on hand to create chaos and bring entertainment, lively antics and content to the event as has become one of the fan highlights between segments.  

The English Broadcast team is once again filled with amazing talents. Not only is there a return of many fan favorites and cornerstone talents such as David 'Godz' Parker, Kevin 'Purge' Godec and Toby 'TobiWan' Dawson, we also get fresh perspectives from the (not-so) new faces such as Henrik 'AdmiralBulldog' Ahnberg, Kyle 'KeepingitKyle' Freedman and Brian 'BSJ' Canavan.  

The Russian broadcast will feature 22 of the region's favorite and best commentators, hosts and players that are not already slated for a place on the big stage. 



The International 2018

The International 2018 is set to begin on August 15 and scheduled to run through August 25. For the first time ever, The International will be held in Vancouver, Canada with a total of 18 teams competing. Currently, the prize pool is over a staggering $22 million with just a few weeks left until the big event. 

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2