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Dota 28 years ago

LGD FY are granted permission to add two substitutes for the Boston Major

According to LGD Forever Young, Valve will take a very uncharacteristic action for a company that is known for being extremely strict when it comes to rules.

LGD Gaming Forever Young’s attendance at the Boston Major became impossible after two of their players had their Visa applications rejected multiple times. Du 'Monet' Peng and Luo 'Lpc' Puchao were denied again in their last visa interview, which put the organization in a very tough spot.

According to the substitutes rule for this major, 'teams that qualify for a Major event will be able to issue a Substitute Player invite to any ONE player not participating in the Major once the qualifiers for that Major are done.' This time around Valve decided to make an exception, and will allow LGD FY to sub in two players in order to keep their spot at the Boston Major, earned via regional qualifiers.

Although Lu 'Maybe' Yao signed up on the Majors registration list as substitute for LGD Forever Young on the 11th of November, it was announced today by the organization that the two players coming in to help them in Boston are both borrowed from Vici Gaming. Yang 'END' Pu and Leong 'DDC' Fat-meng will be Peng and Lpc’s replacements, which can be seen as yet another exception made by Valve to bring LGD FY in Boston.

LGD Forever Young Boston Major line-up:

China Yang 'END' Pu (substitute)
China Xie 'Super' Junhao
China Yao 'Yao' Zhengzheng
China Zhang 'xiao8' Ning
MacauLeong 'DDC' Fat-meng (substitute)

According to the same LGD post, Monet and Lpc will have a last Visa interview on the 28th of November, a date which is already too late for the team to get in time to Boston as the group stage is scheduled to commence on the 3rd of December with the teams being expected to arrive at least a day or two prior to that. Nonetheless, the two will still go for their interview and if the visa is approved they will travel to Boston but only to spectate the event. If they are rejected once more, both will try to apply for tourist Visas for other countries, just to build a foundation for future US visa applications.

source: LGD's

Andreea "Div1" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota