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Dota 210 years ago

Fnatic to the Lower Bracket in KeyArena

The last group stage day at The International 5 is crucial for most of the teams as at the end of it lower and upper brackets will be determined and the best of one game to decide your TI journey from lower bracket is an extremely scary thing to face.

Fnatic vs LGD Gaming

In order to secure a spot in the upper bracket Fnatic needed a 2-0 victory in their first series of the day vs LGD but the pressure seemed to be too high to handle for the Malaysian team who went with a weird draft that was questioned by both commentators and the analysts desk.

A third pick Keeper of the Light for Kecik Imba was countered by his own team with a last pick Night stalker for Mushi, otherwise Fnatic had a good team fight oriented lineup with a  lot of aoe and control spell. But LGD’s draft with a Gyrocopter, Crystal Maiden and a Yao Sand King proved to be a much more efficient one.

LGD won all the lanes before the first night came and once Mushi started to roam it was already too late as the Chinese were ready to counter any gank attempt turning every team fight in their favour. Twenty minutes into the game the gold and experience deficit for Mushi’s team was around 20k and with no window open for them to make the comeback, Fnatic called out the GG.

Game two started with much stronger lanes for Fnatic who had Gyrocopter on their side for ky.xY , Storm Spirit for Mushi  and they  also revived Ohaiyo’s Furion. The laning phase was quiet with not much action around the map, the first big teamfight happening at the 10 minute mark when LGD with a four heroes smoke tried to gank Mushi but the entire Fnatic team TP-ed in to help him and as result LGD’s gank failed terrible, four heroes dying to Gyro’s Call Down.

Keeping the momentum up Fnatic continued to pressure, pushing lanes and ganking grouped as four while Ohayio was split pushing. But a hectic teamfight was lost by Fnatic around the Roshan Pit and that allowed LGD to get back into the game. With Aegis on Sylar’s Anti-Mage LGD took the first lane of raks and with a full Abyssal Blade and a Heart of Tarasque finished for Sylar, LGD started to slice down Mushi’s team, taking in the process another set of racks.

A bit overconfident LGD overextended their high ground push and as a result they got wiped by Fnatic who almost made an incredible comeback as Ohayo got a Scythe of Vyse that made Sylar’s to simply melt to ky.xY’s Rocket Barrage two teamfights in a row. But even so, Fnatic couldn't breach LGD’s base and after a huge last team fight in which all buybacks were used LGD took the 2-0 victory

With this loss Fnatic has no chance to finish in the top four places that qualify for the Upper Bracket in KeyArena as they are left with only one series to play, versus compLexity Gaming who already solidified their Upper Bracket position by defeating Cloud 9.

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Andreea "Div1" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota