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10 years ago

The Shifting Snows update - brings 6.83 balance changes

Valve just released the changelog of the upcoming 6.83 version, which will hit the clients later this week. The "Shifting Snows" update, as it is called, brings a change to first minute runes, buffs for neglected heroes such as Queen of Pain, Pudge and Lifestealer and several nerfs.

While Valve announced that they will not deliver a winter event this year, they found another way to please the crowd by releasing the "Shifting Snows" update. The update adds a winter theme to the DotA2 map, several new cosmetics and a new item gifting system. Above all, however, the new patch brings the 6.83 version, with several balance changes to heroes and items.



Notable changes: 


First rune spawns are now both Bounty Runes that are twice as effective (50/50 gold/xp to 100/100)

All Illusions now deal 25% less damage to structures



Call of the Wild now always provides a Hawk and a Boar at each level, and each now scales per level
Hawk health from 50/50/100/100 to 40/60/80/100
Hawk movement speed from 270/270/400/400 to 250/300/350/400
Hawk day sight from 500/500/1600/1600 to 700/1000/1300/1600
Hawk night sight from 500/500/1200/1200 to 700/800/900/1000
Hawk kill bounty from 30/30/65/65 to 30/40/50/60
Boar health from 0/400/400/500 to 200/300/400/500
Boar base damage from 0/26/26/46 to 15/30/45/60
Boar base attack time from 0/1.5/1.5/1 to 1.25
Boar poison slow from 0/20/20/35% to 10/20/30/40%


Infest now allows you to control the unit you are in using a sub-ability:

Allows you to take control of the unit you are infesting, including their abilities
If you take control of a unit, it will maintain its cover, however it will become attackable by your enemy
Controlled units share Lifestealer's movement speed
Cannot be used on heroes

Queen of Pain

Blink range increased from 700/850/1000/1150 to 1300
Blink cooldown from 12/10/8/6 to 15/12/9/6
Sonic Wave now does Pure Damage and affects Spell Immune
Sonic Wave damage reduced from 350/475/600 to 290/390/490 (Scepter reduced from 350/530/725 to 325/450/575)


Meat Hook range increased from 700/900/1100/1300 to 1000/1100/1200/1300

Bloodseeker and Techies added to Captain's Mode 

Diffusal Blade

Diffusal Blade is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
Multiple Manabreak type abilities do not stack


You can find the full changelog in Valve's original post, here.

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Andreas "drouks" StThere's really not much to say about Andreas 'drouks' Stavridakis, except that he sleeps two hours a day, plays the guitar and survives solely on Diet Coke. He also writes about DotA sometimes.