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Dota 211 years ago

Prize distribution and Team list for The Summit qualifiers revealed

BeyondTheSummit recently revealed their intentions of hosting their first ever LAN tournament, known as The Summit. Today, more info came to light as they revealed the teams participating the qualifiers.

They also revealed the regional breakdown of the qualifiers, as well as the distribution of the prize. In summary, one Asian team, one European team and two American teams will advance from the qualifiers into the six-team LAN finals. The other two teams in the LAN finals, China DK and Ukraine Natus Vincere, are directly invited because of their past accomplishments.

There is no specific date for the qualifier yet, but it was ealier revealed that it will start this April and will run all the way up to early May. Both America and Asia will have a pre-qualifier before heading into the main qualifiers. The format is also still undisclosed as of this moment.

Aside from the information on the two invited teams, it was also stated before that there will be a base prize pool of $50,000, with the addition of 25% ticket sales. It was made more distinct now, as aside from the distribution of the prize, BTS announced that $2.50 will be incremented into the prize pool for every DotaTV ticket sold. With a slice of the pot for until the sixth place finisher, it means that all teams participating in the LAN finals will not go home empty handed.

The prize distribution is as follows:

1st: $22,500 + ticket sales
2nd: $12,500 + ticket sales
3rd: $7,500 + ticket sales
4th: $5,000 + ticket sales
5/6th: $1,250 + ticket sales

The date and venue of the LAN finals was also among the details also earlier announced by BTS. The entirety of the finale will be held this coming 5-8 June at the BTS Studio in Los Angeles, United States.

The full list of the teams participating in the qualifiers are:


Qualifier participants:

Pre-qualifier participants:

  • China TongFu.Wanzhou
  • China Dream Time
  • China CIS
  • China HyperGloryTeam
  • China Speed Gaming
  • China New Elements


Qualifier participants:


Qualifier participants:

Note: Pre-qualifier details for America will be announced later.

Source: BeyondTheSummit