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Dota 211 years ago

Fluffnstuff writes an open blog directed towards Team Liquid

Brian 'fluffnstuff' Lee, former captain of Team Liquid has called out on his teammates in an open blog relating to the team's lacklustre and sloppy performances so far.

In what seems an open letter directed towards his teammates as well as himself in Team Liquid, Brian 'fluffnstuff' Lee has written a blog in which he describes his anger and disappointment for Team Liquid's sloppy performances in events ever since it's inception. Brian mentions that the American team is nothing but a joke for a long time, marred with a streak of disappointing results and inconsistent plays.

In the blog, he relates to his time spent in FIRE aka compLexity Gaming, wherein they took the Dota 2 world by storm with their strong and stellar performances. He speaks about the confidence he had in FIRE as both captain and player. Meanwhile, he shows little to none confidence in Team Liquid, whether it was the team that broke into top eight at The International 2013 or the team post-TI3.

Relating to the atmosphere within the team, Brian mentions about the lack of adequate friendship with his teammates, namely, BuLba and Korok, who according to Brian had negative impressions of him initially. He writes about losing confidence as the team's drafter and doubts his leadership skills and compares it to his glory days in FIRE, therefore, resulting in his resignation from the drafter's and leadership seat.

He also praises Tyler 'TC' Cook for taking over his responsibilities as the team's captain and drafter. Meanwhile, he despises the blame going on ixmike and Korok for the team's failure and argues that the team as a whole is to be blamed. He speaks on the disastrous event that occured at the recently concluded The Monster Energy Invitational, wherein the team placed third with yet another dismal showing.

By the end of the blog, Brian also mentions on starting afresh as a Dota 2 player with a new team, provided things do not work out with Team Liquid even if that means to walk away from The International to be held this year. He is both positive and negative on himself going as a player and is not afraid to face his fears. He thanks Blitz and ends his blog. At the end of the blog, he attached his 29 page long team agenda from back when team FIRE was started.

You can read the entire blog on Team