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TI11 group stage statistics

TI11 group stage team and hero statistics

With the group stages for TI11 done and dusted, we take a look at the team and hero statistics for all 183 games played.

The International 2022 (TI11) is done with the group stage games, and oh what excitement they brought to viewers! The group stage for TI11 was possibly the most tightly contested in the history of The International championships, with only one team securing an upper bracket position before the last day, and literally, no team being eliminated till the final series of each group was played. If this carries on into the playoffs, we are in for a roller coaster of a tournament with some massively unpredictable results.

Over the course of four days, 183 games were played (considering one game was forfeited due to medical issues, and four tiebreaker games were played). A total of 114 of the 123 heroes were picked in the group stages, leaving only 9 heroes to sulk for not being picked in even a single game. As we head into a quick break between the group stages and playoffs, let’s look at the team and hero statistics for the TI11 group stages. All data has been taken from datDota.


TI11 group stage team statistics


TI11 group stage hero statistics

Total games played: 183
Total heroes picked: 114
Number of heroes unpicked or unbanned: 8

Most picked heroes: 
1) Marci (76 games, 38 wins, 50% win rate)
2) Shadow Fiend (71 games, 39 wins, 54.93% win rate)
3) Undying (63 games, 61 wins, 49.21% win rate)

Most contested heroes: 
1) Marci (Picked or banned 181 games, 98.91% contest rate)
2) Enigma (Picked or banned 163 games, 89.07% contest rate)
3) Primal Beast (Picked or banned 154 games, 84.15% contest rate)

Most banned heroes: 
1) Enigma (banned in 116 games)
2) Marci (banned in 105 games)
3) Batrider (banned in 101 games)

Heroes with the highest win rate (20 games or more): 
1) Tusk (25 picks, 68% win rate)
2) Nyx Assassin (42 picks, 66.67% win rate)
3) Naga Siren (23 picks, 65.22% win rate)

Heroes with lowest win rate (20 games or more): 
1) Drow Ranger (22 picks, 31.82% win rate)
2) Ember Spirit (24 picks, 33.33% win rate)
3) Mars (21 picks, 38.10% win rate)


While TI11 is proving to be an extremely diverse tournament in terms of hero picks, there is specific bunch of heroes that have been dominating games. At the forefront is Marci, who was contested in 181 of the 183 games, showing how much teams value the hero. Even with that high a contest rate though, she has a win rate of exactly 50%. Another hero that has been enjoying his time in the limelight after being out of the meta for a long time is Shadow Fiend, who is being picked either as a mid lane or a safe lane hero.

Evil Geniuses and Tundra Esports took the top spots in Group A and Group B respectively. These two are the teams to beat, but attention will also be on the favorites PSG.LGD, who started out slow, but picked up the pace. The bracket for the TI11 playoffs has been set, and the playoffs will begin on the 20th of October, at 10:00 am SGT with Evil Geniuses taking on Thunder Awaken in an upper bracket North America versus South America contest.


Unique heroes played by every player in the TI11 group stage games


Siddharth "Gopya" GopujkarA Mechanical Engineer who is as interested in the mechanics of DotA 2 as every machine he studies. Pursuing his Master's at the Michigan Technological University.