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General19 years ago

Swedish GlaiVe joins verGe


GlaiVe is one of Sweden's best Night Elf players right now, and has one several online tournaments recently. verGe obviously saw that, and recruited him to the North American WC3L team.

verGe Gaming
United States Darius
Sweden GlaiVe
United States Hunter
United States Rainman
United States SonKiE
Argentina Virus
United States Wizard
United States GeNThO
United States PiLLaGe
United States pootie
Canada Uruk

GlaiVeGuy, now without the Guy and just GlaiVe, has joined the American-based clan verGe Gaming. Not only because of him having roots in the USA, but also because he wanted to get in to the WC3L action. GlaiVe has done very well in online tournaments lately, with wins such as the wins in the tournaments and some of the Swedish online tournaments hosted by Gamingeye.

GlaiVe has been interviewed by our friends at Gamingeye about his new clan. It it he tells that verGe has a pretty broad lineup with two other Night Elf players fighting for a spot in the WC3L lineup. He thinks that Rainman is the more preferred Night Elf player, so GlaiVe does not expect to play in every playday. GlaiVe's goals for 2006 is doing better in international tournaments as well as the offline tournaments such as ESWC and the World Cyber Games.

You were recently recruited by verGe after being clanless for a while. Why verGe?
- Well, after a couple of months off from clans and WC3L it felt like it was time for another period of that. I have been in contact with a number of clans, mostly idle and verGe. The guys in idle are a bunch of really nice guys, I met them all at playz a couple of weeks ago. But as people might now I have roots down in the USA. I know many of the players in verGe earlier and of course playing in WC3L enticed a lot.

Do you think you will be playing in the lineup right away, or is that a more long term goal for you?
- verGe have already a pretty broad lineup, and I have two other Night Elf players to fight with over a seat in the lineup. I will have to show my best right away, but I'll most likely not play in every playday. It is tough to have two Night Elves because of the opponents in some of the clans, and I think that the orgas find Rainman a bit better than me right now. We'll see how it evolves.

What personal goals do you have this year except playing in WC3L?
- I have performed pretty well in online tournaments lately, Swedish ones mostly. I hope I can perform well in various offline events and get more famous in the international scene. I will definitely try to get a spot for World Cyber Games and ESWC. I also plan to whoop Dreamland in DOTA.
GosuGamers wishes both GlaiVe and verGe Gaming the best of luck!

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