Jesper Nordahl Henriksen, nicking his middle name Nordahl, is together with Noname the manager for MeetYourMakers WarCraft 3 team. Getting the silver medal in WC3L Season 8, and currently nominated as 2005's clan, GosuGamers hooked up with Nordahl for a fresh interview.
Nordahl is an invaluable member of his WarCraft 3 team, and works behind the curtains for his team mYm.Hanbit to succeed. This year has been a great one for MeetYourMakers, and was extremely close in winning what every clan aim for - the WC3L playoffs.
- I guess I take credit for doing my part in the greater scheme of things, and sometimes I am the structure the WC3 team needs personified, but in the end everybody has to do their part to make things work, so everyone has a part in it, says a proud Nordahl when asked how much credit he takes for mYm having such a great year.
"4K are the stronger team at the moment at that is that!"
As mentioned, MeetYourMakers got the silver medal, and ended the talked-about winning spree of the clan 4Kings in the Winner Bracket of the playoffs.

- Especially after we saw the lineup for the second match, but personally I have come to terms with it. 4K are the stronger team at the moment and that is that!
Nominated as 2005's clan and 2005's effort for the community
Both MeetYourMakers and 4Kings are nominated as 2005's clan in the GosuGamers WarCraft Awards 2005, two teams that should be considered the strongest, result wise. MeetYourMakers received a nomination with the reason "best integrated and mixed world team with outstanding players, manners and results". To that, Nordahl simply nods and says it feels good.
- Being nominated as best integrated feels really good as I feel we are just that, and I have spent a lot of time and energy in working towards that end, so if we win anything, I would like that to be it.
Although, it is not only the clan that is doing well, it is also their website, who is growing bigger and bigger every day. Nordahl say they have a huge growing curve, but in the sense of worth while material and all the things that gets around. Nordahl himself mentions as another great site, but that his range of sites check ha dropped as their own site has grown.
- I get all the news I need from it, but I do however still feel obliged to check out some of the other major sites, he points out.
“ We don't have any plans of reducing the WC3 roster and we are always on the lookout for possible additions, it is however not us that are snatching up Homerunball after his departure with TmG.” |
No plans of reducing the WC3 roster
When asked about possible changes in the roster for the upcoming WC3L Season 9, Nordahl says that they do not have any plans of reducing their roster, and the fact that they are always on the lookout for possible additions.
- It is however not us that are snatching up

How well has the cooperation between you and the new manager Noname worked out?
- I think maybe I have shocked him, not in the sense of giving him a huge workload, but perhaps more the other way around, as the last month has been kind of eventless for us, there aren't that much preperation to be done yet, but that will change soon enough and he will be able to put his eagerness to use, for know all I can do is teach him what managers does in the off seasons, mainly play Enfo, he says and grins.
Nordahl would like to thank all of his players being great guys always giving their best, plus the team captain Susiria for being the best captain any manager could ask for.
- As well as mYm's overall management for trusting in us and giving us room to work, and of course the entire staff who has made these nominations possible, and perhaps most importantly all the fans who always stand by us, support us and believe in us even if things aren't going our way.

Links - WarCraft Awards 2005 - Home of MeetYourMakers - WarCraft 3 League