I've been playing faceIT a lot lately, frankly I've been playing faceIT for years, but I've never seen it this bad. We get matched constantly against lobbies with lvl 9-10 players, queued together with level 1->3's. See normally that wouldn't be an issue, and it would be fairly balanced. I get why its putting us against these lobbies. The thing is, the level 1->3's are smurfs, most of the time, they are better than the higher level players in the game.
In this instance (and the reason I made this post) we have queued together as 4 man.
Our team levels: 5/6/6/8/6 vs Enemy team levels: 3/4/9/9/3
Two of the low levels have less than 70 games, and they both have an amazing KD/HSrate/etc.
See you'd think it would be no big deal, win or lose right? I was about to hop in the game until I saw our estimated elo gains/losses:
Gain on a win: +17 elo
Gain on a loss: -33 elo
I just dodged the game, and now I have to wait 30minutes to play again, I think this is the first game I have ever dodged, I'm just not motivated to hop in that game and play when the odds are so stacked against us. Even if we win, we gain 17 elo, which is nothing. If I lose one game I'm down atleast 25-30 elo.
Why can low levels still queue with high levels? Shouldn't there be a limitation between the levels you can queue together with? Matchmaking servers are already limiting this, but faceit isn't.
I get that people want to play with their friends, and I think that's great, but it's getting abused. Not today, not last week or last month, its been month's now. There have been so many games where we lost 30+ elo to these kind of lobbies. I wouldn't post this if we face lobbies like these once every 10 games, it happens in probably 66% of the games we play.
I'm posting this here, hopefully to draw some attention, because the actual faceit reddit is dead. I'm not ranting, I'm legit just dissappointed.
(sorry for the gramatical errors, english isn't my native language).
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to attach a screenshot, but here's the imgur link from the match I just dodged.