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CS29 years ago

FNS out of CLG

Counter Logic Gaming has announced that Pujan “FNS” Mehta will be stepping down from the team amongst the other changes.

The North American team has been struggling to put up good results in recent months, losing their position as the second best NA team organizations such as Liquid and Luminosity.

CLG has today announced that they will be rethinking their CS:GO lineup to hopefully propel them to the top by dropping the team's long-time in game leader Pujan “FNS” Mehta, and will open the slot to any interested player. Furthermore, Counter Logic Gaming will bring in new coaches for the team, which CLG hopes will help to further sharpen up their remaining players and help to intergrate the new one when the time comes.

CLG had to following to say about FNS's departure:

In recent months the CLG CS:GO team has fought an uphill battle through many LANs. Our CS:GO team is a group of friends with some of the best personalities we’ve encountered in gaming. Making any change is difficult. We’ve reached the point where we need to make infrastructure and roster changes.

CLG is working to build our Counter Strike: Global Offensive squad into a world class team. We’re bringing in a new coaching infrastructure and support staff for this goal. We’re also announcing today that Pujan “FNS” Mehta is stepping down. We’ll do everything we can do ensure a smooth transition to competitive play in another organization for him. We truly wish him well. His attitude is fantastic despite the rough patch the team has encountered.

Plans for an improved infrastructure will be disclosed within a week. We’re also posting a request for new applicants for the CS:GO team within the next couple hours. Stay tuned to our announcement page for more.

We hope to preserve the great attitudes and personalities that we’re proud of our CS:GO players for with the new changes. Making adjustments is never easy. CLG is committed to building the most successful Counter Strike team around. We’re going to push forward with more changes and announcements soon to accomplish that goal.