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General18 years ago

WCG: Schedule for the group play


Each year the World Cyber Games is being held somewhere in the world. Last year we saw Sky from China becoming the king of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, let's see if he will be able to keep his crown.

Soon the World Cyber Games 2006 will be opening in Monza, Italy and today they presented the group play schedule at the WCG site. The groups for the World Cyber Games have been presented a couple of weeks ago and today they made the schedule for the group play official.

The 19th you can see the first four WC3: TFT groups (A-H) playing, starting 11:30. The second day it will be group I to P who plays, also at 11:30. The first matches are to be seen if you click the link below.

When it comes to the maps they will be played in the order shown here:

Map rotation
Round 1: Twisted Meadow
Round 2: Terenas Stand
Round 3: Echo Isle
Round 4: Turtle Rock
Round 5: Terenas Stand

For results just stick around because just like last year Gosugamers will be there to report everything that happens!

Links - The schedule - The maps