Samwise Didier, Senior Art Director of StarCraft 2, was interviewed during the Games Convention, where he talks about creating new units, the StarCraft 2 storyline and the fourth race.

Samwise Didier (left) doing the peace sign at Games Convention.
Samwise Didier is the very charismatic Senior Art Director of Blizzard, and is the one responsible for how the units and buildings will look like in StarCraft 2. In the interview he says that with doing StarCraft 2 they did not just want the same old units in it.
- We try to take an old unit that everyone knows and loves. We'll have to give it kind of an update - add new life to it. An example is the Zealot - still the same [...] but we've added new features such as the Charge ability, he says.
- Samwise Didier
- We have a lot of ideas for it, he says. A fourth race was not necessary according to Didier. They wanted to stick with the three races they had, not having a new guy to "crash the party".
Further on he tries to calm all the avid StarCraft fans that the sequel will be very much like StarCraft.
- It's StarCraft 2 - not some weird thing that has this big crazy new function that will make it different and alienate it, he says and adds that StarCraft is a fast-paced game and that you do not, comparing to WarCraft 3, worry about leveling up or something similar.
To see the full interview with Didier, enter the link below.

Links - Video interview with Samwise Didier - See Samwise Didier's artwork