Jamie Hallam plays for the Templars of Twilight team and does a good job representing them. Jamie has played in numerous events and done well for himself in the StarCraft scene. He has been playing since 1999 and was a proud member of international-Division until it faded away.
Jamie Hallam can be more known as

This interview is in four parts or "acts" as the author,

Do you have a specific way of training or what do you do to improve?
I haven't been concerned with improving for around 2 years. After WCG I felt motivation to spend my time online more wisely and try to improve. I guess the only way to improve is just to play, so I'm currently playing quite a lot of games on PGTour, and played a few on WGTour also. In 2002 when I was interested in improving I used to watch replays or observe a different zerg player play against someone that I lost to, to see how they played against that style. It's always interesting to see how different players cope with different situations and you can learn a lot by studying the way people think in different situations. However that's not something I've concerned myself with for a long time.
What do you like better? PGT, WGT or something else? Where do you think are the best conditions to play?
I prefer PGTour if I simply want to play. The skill level is far higher in PGTour, and generally I get to play with more koreans, who in general, seem to have more manner than non-koreans who are all too quick to shout hacker, noob or something of that kind.
The Templars of Twilight never cease to stop updating, wither it be a site related update, player update, replay update, or even interviews the ToT squad is always moving. If you have not visited the ToT website recently than you have not noticed that they have a new domain. Instead of the old Gosus.Com they are now » ToT-Gaming.Com.
So, good luck to both Templars of Twilight and their new found domain name!
ToT-Gaming.Com - Midian's Interview
ToT-Gaming.Com - Team Page