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General20 years ago

ClanBase Awards

clanbase.gifAs we are moving towards the second ClanBase Nations Cup, Lord_Marine(TE), administrator of the big nation cup made a closing article about the first season, with awards, ending words and later an interview. GosuGamers put Lord_Marine against the wall and asked him more about the ClanBase Season 1 Awards!

Best captain
1. Germany Betrayal
2. Australia Freezer
3. Czech Republic Jump
Best nation cup player
1. Germany Mondragon
2. Canada Testie
3. Finland Ovvi
"Betrayal did everything a captain could do." Lord_Marine tells GosuGamers. "The organisation was superb his manner was really good and he didn't complain once." he says when talking about the best captain in ClanBase Nations Cup - Germany BetrayaL. The second place went to Australia Freezer. "He brought team Australia into a new era," he explains. "They have some recognised players now not just Legionnaire and I think he helped achieving that."
Germany Mondragon was given the Best nation cup player award for his unstoppable play. He had a quite impressive win streak, both in 1on1 and 2on2.
Best team overall
1. Germany Germany
2. Australia Australia
3. Russia Russia
Worst team overall
1. United States USA
2. Argentina Argentina
3. United Kingdom United Kingdom
Germany Germany placed as the best team speaks for itself, with no lost match in ClanBase, neither in the group play nor the playoffs. Second came Australia Australia who showed great ambition and surprised many people by reaching that far.
United States USA had some major management and player problems in this tourmanent, and according to Lord_Marine, they had nothing to do with this tournament. "I dont think the leader showed up once, and the Americans were more like a pack of animals and not BW players". Argentina Argentina had similar problems, but still managed to play most of their games, unlike USA who were replaced by
Brazil Brazil.
Most underachieved team
1. France France
2. Czech Republic Czech Republic
3. Denmark Denmark
Best team result
1. Germany GER vs. Netherlands NLD 7-0
2. Russia RUS vs. Poland POL 5-2
3. Finland FIN vs. Canada CAN 6-1
The most underachieved team was France France according to Lord_Marine. They placed fifth in their group, but had a lot of great players in their lineup. "i consider France to be a very strong nation. Certainly strong enough to reach the playoffs." he said, a bit disappointed, since they had many interesting players.
The community was in awe as Germany Germany showed their absolute strength by beating Netherlands Netherlands 7-0, and when Russia Russia defeated the favourites Poland Poland 5-2. The community was also shocked when the little
Finland Finland team beat a poor Canada Canada in the semifinals.
Most dissapointing game
1. United States USA vs. Germany Germany
2. United States USA vs. Italy Italy
3. France France vs. Turkey Turkey
Most exciting game
1. Sweden Sweden vs. Poland Poland
2. Australia Australia vs. Poland Poland
3. Germany Germany vs. Finland Finland
"The USA vs. Germany was aweful. The Americans were clearly just wanting to argue, they had no leader few players." Lordy says. He also says it was the same in United States USA vs. Italy Italy. The France France vs. Turkey Turkey was also a disaster - "Both teams hated each other and it took a week to finish."
However, many matches were a success as well. How about Sweden Sweden vs. Poland Poland, that ended so close, with only two games in difference, and had to be settled in the last 2on2, which Poland eventually won.
Another exciting game was Australia Australia vs. Poland Poland, which was another match from the same group. At third place came the final - Germany versus Finland.
Most improved team
1 Belarus Belarus
2 Russia Russia
3 Serbia and Montenegro Serbia & Montenegro
Best organised nation
1. Germany Germany
2. Sweden Sweden
3. Australia Australia
The three Most improved teams were some of the underdogs in the tournament, who people didn't really expect to reach the playoffs. They did a great tournament, especially Russia Russia.
And Best organised nation speaks for itself. Germany Germany, Sweden Sweden and Australia Australia were the teams that always were on time, had enough players and were well mannered and optimistic.

More information about Season 2
United Kingdom Lord_Marine(TE) is not entirely done with all the details about Season 2 yet, but it is settled how the matches will be played. 4x1on1 and 1x2on2 is the new system, and now only 24 teams will be able to participate. So far, half of the places are taken. If you're the National Team Manager for your country (or any other country that isn't yours) and want to participate, make sure to contact Lord_Marine(TE).

Links - ClanBase StarCraft Nations Cup