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Overwatch8 years ago

Surprise: The 24th hero is playable... TODAY

The time to wait is over. The time to check out the next addition to the Overwatch roster is here.

Looks like Blizzard didn't feel like keeping things vague for much longer, as just now the PTR was patched with among other things: the new hero. PC players we advise to log in to the PTR right now, while console players will have to make due with streams of PC players.

Time to introduce you to Orisa, the robot created by Efi Oladele. Blizzard teased Efi little over a week ago, when the 11-year old inventor was shared with the public. Back then we questioned whether she could be the next hero, but her age is too low even for such a colorful shooter as Overwatch. The more likely option was Efi eventually creating a hero robot, capable of supporting the current roster. This turned out to be right:

Orisa is the sixth Tank in the game, featuring a remarkably solid ranged rifle. The rest of her kit focuses on keeping her team alive and allowing them to kick more ass:

  • Fusion Driver (Left Click): Automatic projectile weapons. Slows Orisa while firing. Very powerful both short and longrange.
  • Halt (Right Click, 8s CD): Launch a graviton surge then detonate it. The sphere slows and pulls nearby enemies to it. Has a very high skill ceiling, both for solo play and coordinated teams.
  • Protective Barrier (E, 10s CD): Throw a device that creates a barrier (900 HP). Best compared to a stationary Reinhardt or Symmetra shield.
  • Fortify (Shift, 10s CD): Reduce damage taken (50%) and you cannot be stopped. Extremely valuable when facing crowd control such as McCree's stun, Reinhardt's charge or Lucio/Pharah's displacement ability.
  • Supercharger (Ultimate): Deploy a device that increases damage inflicted by Allies. Think of it like Nano-boost lite for your whole team (including yourself).


In case you can wait a few more minutes, or can't currently play but have access to YouTube: watch the latest Developer Update by Jeff Kaplan himself:

The hero page is already live on the official PlayOverwatch website. We will be looking at this new, exciting hero from all possible angles in the coming days. Keep an eye out for that!

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