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Overwatch9 years ago

A Graviton Surge appears

Following the official demise of the Swedish team Impulse 11, a few highly valued European players became free agents. With release  fast approaching, a couple of them have banded together and formed a new team: Introducing Graviton Surge.

Under the captaincy of former Melty player and French all-star Kryw, a mix of former Eccentric and Impulse 11 players sees the light of the day under a new banner. Despite the team having no experience together, they received an invite to the Take TV Takeover event, but with the team currently only consisting of five player, they will attend the event with a stand-in. Standing in for them will be former Danger Dogs Support kr4tosdigga. Coaching and Managing the lineup will be the brother of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive starlet kennyS, Windz.

Graviton Surge will attend the Take TV Takeover with the following Lineup:



We sat down with Kryw and asked him a few questions about his new team:

Hello Kryw. What was your reasoning behind creating a new team instead of joining an already established one?

Before the creation of this roster we were playing with aKm, winz and unkoe before they decided to join Rogue. I left Flatearth to do a full and stable French lineup together with them, but the opportunity to play for Rogue was too good for them to decline. So I started something from scratch again with SoOn. Initially finding players was hard because there were not that many great players without teams. Many people told me Skipjack plays a great Reinhardt. Then I told to SoOn to play Sniper and work on it instead of playing his usual support. After many different tests of players we took Zebbosai as a McCree and Nevix as a Mercy. Cyril Michel aka "Windz" joined us as a manager/coach to help us on everything (analyzing practice, helping us for travels etc..). He manage his brother "kennyS" since 2 years so I know I can trust him for that job. To answer why I elected to not join another team it's because partly all good teams have their rosters filled at this point and playing Lucio on Flatearth wasn't really enjoyable for me (now I hate to play Lucio :p), even if the team was great.

What are your goals, hopes and expectations for your team?

Our goal is to be a stable lineup. I hope I can trust every player in my team and our expectations are to be on the top. I know it will be hard, but when I see Reunited worked so hard since the beginning they deserve their place to be the best team in Europe. That's a good model to follow.

Where do you think your strengths and weaknesses lie? Both as individuals and as a team.

Our strengths are to be really positive in practice. We know it's a practice and we are testing some stuff and we can play with a good mind. On previous teams we often reached a really annoying point, where people started whining and raging and I can't be really confident to play in this mood and it just isn't productive practice. SoOn is really impressive with his Sniper and I know it will be one of the best in the future, Skipjack got a solid Reinhardt , for myself I can play all DPS heroes correctly and mix it up with Zarya and Winston. But we are also working to get a solid teamplay too, as hats the most important part of the game. Practice was fine on theses last days of Open Beta. About weakness we will see in tournaments.

The first official appearence of Graviton Surge will be in the Alienware Monthly Melee.

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