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League of Legends: Patch 14.17 champion tier list

With a wave of nerfs incoming, which champions and lanes have been affected?

The League of Legends Patch 14.17 introduces a series of nerfs targeting multiple items, runes and champions. 

Notable adjustments include changes to items like Warmog’s Armor and runes like Fleet Footwork and Celestial Opposition. For a detailed preview of what Patch 14.17 entails, click here.

With the patch scheduled to drop on Wednesday, 28 August, it's crucial to note that many champions, especially those in the bottom lane, where ADCs and Supports are, will be particularly impacted by these indirect nerfs.

So, which champions should you prioritise in this patch? Our LoL champion tier list for Patch 14.17 will help you figure that out:

Top lane 

OP: Sett, Aatrox

S-Tier: Volibear, Illaoi, Cho’Gath, Yorick, Warwick, Camille, Zac, Kayle, Fiora, Malphite, Tahm Kench, Wukong, Kled, Gwen, Urgot, Garen, Cassiopeia, Kennen
A-Tier: Sylas, Dr. Mundo, Darius, Shen, Tryndamere, Trundle, Poppy, Riven, Nasus, Jax, Pantheon, Olaf, Rengar, Renekton, Quinn, Mordekaiser, Singed, Vladimir, Gragas, Aurora
B-Tier: Gangplank, Sion, Ornn, Irelia, Heimerdinger, Udyr, Teemo, Vayne, Jayce, Karma, Gnar, Yone
C-Tier: Twisted Fate, Smolder, Skarner, Akali, Yasuo, Varus, K’sante, Rumble

Top lane will have a few adjustments. Although the Boss Sett remains to be king on the top lane this patch, he’s now accompanied by Aatrox, who has replaced Volibear on the tier list. However, Volibear continues to be a strong pick in S-tier.

For low elo, you can also consider Urgot and Malphite.

Kennen's scaling strength is being reduced, but this change isn't expected to significantly impact his S-tier ranking.

Rumble, on the other hand, is receiving a nerf to his passive max health damage, solidifying his position in C-tier for solo queue.

Another champion affected by all the changes is Dr. Mundo who is recently being built with Warmog’s, so he’s moving down a notch in A-tier.

The buffs on Sylas from the previous patch has made him a more playable champ in the top lane once again—but make sure to build him more like bruiser by rushing Rod of Ages, and then taking Cosmic Drive. He will be a great counter pick for the likes of Malphite, Nasus, and Gnar. 


OP-Tier: Nocturne, Shyvana, Amumu

S-Tier: Lilia, Fiddlesticks, Kayn, Xin Zhao, Volibear, Warwick, Shaco, Viego, Jarvan IV, Rammus, Ivern, Morgana, Briar, Udyr, Kha’zix

A-Tier: Hecarim, Lee Sin, Poppy, Rek’sai, Diana, Talon, Trundle, Master Yi, Evelyn, 

B-Tier: Gwen, Elise, Bel’veth, Ekko, Nunu & Willump, Zac, Ivern, Sejuani, Kindred

C-Tier: Brand, Zed, Olaf, Taliyah, Graves, Gragas, Jax, Wukong, Pantheon, Rengar, Vi, Karthus, , Nidalee, Skarner.

D-Tier: Zyra, Maokai, Sylas

In the Jungle, Lilia’s nerfs will definitely affect her OP-tier position, but she will continue to be a strong S-tier pick after Nocturne, Shyvana, and Amumu who are currently in OP-Tier. 

Generally, AP junglers that usually run on Liandry’s Torment seem to be strong in this meta with the likes of Amumu (who has become OP-tier), Shvyana, Nunu & Willump, and Udyr. 

However, there’s a good variety of strong champions in S-tier - so Nocturne, Briar and Kha’zix might be up your alley if AP junglers aren’t your thing.

In low elo, consider taking Rammus, Shyvana, or Lilia.

Sejuani, on the other hand is moving down to B-tier, as she will experience some loss in power because of the nerfs on Warmog’s Armor.

Riot has been attempting to taper Brand’s strength in the last few patches. Given more nerfs in 14.17, he’s also moving down to B-tier.

Mid lane

OP-Tier: Naafiri, Vex

S-Tier: Brand, Xerath, Lux, Akshan, Diana, Ahri, Le Blanc, Swain, Annie, Galio, Vel’koz, Anivia, Tryndamere, Zed, Neeko, Fizz

A-Tier: Aurora, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Viktor, Aurelion Sol, Veigar, Qiyana, Ekko, Zoe, Kassadin, Talon, Lissandra, Taliyah, Irelia, Pantheon, , Yone, Yasuo, Sylas, Syndra

B-Tier: Hwei, Viego, Vladimir,Gragas, Malphite,Karma, Ziggs, Kled, Heimerdinger

C-Tier:  Akali, Katarina, Jayce, Zilean, Lucian, Orianna

D-Tier: Tristana, Corki,Smolder, Ezreal, Zeri, Azir.

Not much has changed in the OP and S-tiers of the mid lane, with Vex and Naafiri still on top. Despite nerfs, Sylas and LeBlanc will also remain in S-tier. Meanwhile, Ryze and Twisted Fate have both been bumped up to A-tier. 

if you’re in low elo, Fizz, Aurelion Sol, and Annie are great S-tier picks you can rely on.

Steer clear from AD Carry mids this patch, as Riot seems to have made it near impossible for the likes of Tristana, Corki, Lucian, Ezreal and Smolder to thrive, with most of them sitting in D-Tier.

Bottom lane

OP-Tier: Miss Fortune, Jhin

S-Tier: Nilah, Lux, Brand, Kog’Maw, Karthus, Seraphine, Twitch, Draven

A-Tier: Caitlyn, Ashe, Jinx, Swain, Veigar, Sivir, Ziggs, Smolder, Kai’Sa, Lucian

B-Tier: Vayne, Zeri, Xayah, Samira, Yasuo, Varus

C-Tier: Ezreal, Kalista, Aphelios

D-Tier: Tristana, Corki

Aside from Miss Fortune and Jhin who remain OP, the overall power of ADCs has decreased, so we’ll see many champs in the role shift down a tier or so. 

However, Caitlyn is moving up to A-tier in this patch, with some substantial buffs that will increase her power. Nerfs on Fleet Footwork might affect her, so you should use First Strike as an alternative rune.

On the other hand, Ashe will get knocked down into A-tier, following the nerfs given to her in this upcoming patch.

Tristana and Corki’s multiple nerfs across the last few patches seem to have affected them the most, so they will stay in D-tier.


OP-Tier: Senna, Poppy

S-Tier: Seraphine, Lulu, Nami, Maokai, Janna, Zac, Taric, Thresh, Sona, Leona, Milio, Vel’Koz

A-Tier: Rell, Pyke, Braum, Neeko, Rakan, Lux, Zyra, Zilean, Bard, Blitzcrank, Karma, Shaco, LeBlanc, Soraka, Galio, Tahm Kench

B-Tier: Nautilus, Alistar, Pantheon, Yuumi, Renata Glasc, Heimerdinger, Swain, Brand, Syndra, Sylas, Caitlyn, Camille, Morgana, Teemo

C-Tier: Twitch, Malphite, Hwei, Ashe

D-Tier: Twisted Fate, Ahri

Senna, who has been the most OP AP support in the meta since her rework, has taken over the Support meta in OP-tier along with Poppy. And although Senna will get nerfed this patch, she will continue to be one of the strongest supports. The nerfs will be much less impactful for players who build Senna into Black Cleaver.

Meanwhile, the nerfs on Seraphine will significantly lower her strength, so she has to drop down to S-tier along with Nami, who has been affected by item nerfs as well.

Pyke is also going down from S to A-tier, following nerfs given to him this patch. Other Champs affected by item nerfs include tanks Braum and Rell, who are also dropping from S to A tier.

The same goes for other notable tanks like Nautilus and Alistor, who will be pushed down to B-tier.

So, whether you’re dominating the top lane, controlling the jungle, or carrying from the bot lane, make sure to adapt your champion choices to maximise your chances of success in this patch. Good luck!

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