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General9 years ago

GosuBet May contest winners

The GosuBet competition for May is over! These are the winners who split the $100 in G2A gift cards and the state of the art DXRacer gaming chair!

What is GosuBet?

The GosuBet is a non-money betting system available to GosuGamers members. Everyone starts with 50 units of currency and is able to place bets with it, with odds provided for each player or team. Normally, each season lasts one month and at the end of the period, the winner is determined.

To place a bet, just click on a match, select how much you'd like to bet, and on whom. If you ever run out of currency, just click 'Reset GosuBet' and you restart from 50.

Gosubet contest - most currency

The rules for the May contest were simple: whoever has the most currency at the end of the month in each section wins a $10 G2A gift card. Additionally, the top three betters with most currency across all GosuGamers sections combined take home a DXRacer Gaming chair (1st place), a $30 G2A gift card (2nd place) and $10 G2A gift card (3rd place). 

The contest could be entered at any time as it is not about quantity betting, meaning anyone can reach the top through a few lucky - or well educated - bets. 

Section-specific winners: $10 G2A gift card

CS:GO winner: Tardicus - 6,213 bullets
Dota2 winner: vukhang119 - 14,268 branches
HotS winner: Vandhee - 5,282 dubloons
HS winner: Finalle - 4,241 dust
LoL winner: 8238150 - 3,755 runes
 SC2 winner: st4vroz - 997 minerals

Winner across all sections: 

 vukhang119 - 14,268 total currency - 1x DX Racer Gaming chair
 Tardicus - 12,202 total currency - $30 G2A gift card
 bonyet_terbang - 10,890 total currency - $10 G2A gift card

Winners will receive a message from a GosuCrew member in which they will be required to reply with further information in order to claim the prizes.

Congratulations to all winners and thanks for participating, everyone. If you missed the chance to test yourself in our previous contest, make sure to participate in our current one!