A cybernetic ninja and a massive toxic tough guy have yet to be named or revealed by Blizzard. Who are they and what will they bring to the game?
Everything you will hear about these two characters is 100% rumor and speculation. No one knows where they are from and who they are. However, we do know at least one detail about the swordsman, and that is that his name might be Bushin (??: meaning God of War / God of Martial Arts).
We think this because those Chinese characters are written on his breastplate, but that is all anyone has been able to find. It can be assumed he will play an offensive role, specializing in melee sword combat. The most popular fan speculation is that he might fill the role of a stealth hero, as he appears to be wearing a stealth suit similar to a Starcraft ghost. Overwatch already has a lot of references and subtle allusions to Warcraft and Starcraft lore, so he might very well play like an oldschool Blademaster (with critical hits, stealth, and maybe even illusions).
The large character with the gas mask will fit a tank role due to his size alone. Perhaps he might disrupt the enemy line with toxic AoE attacks or some other poison abilities, as hinted from his gas mask. Fan speculation is that he will offer ways to slow down enemy Heroes or even damage himself at the cost of damaging enemies through some poison mechanic.
The latest hero that was revealed at Gamescom was Lucio, and he isn't even on this poster. The cowboy McCree was also recently released, which bodes well for the two mystery characters, as at least they are standing next to each other in the poster.
Here is the link to full poster. It makes for a cool wallpaper that may tide you over until beta is released.
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