They were more than rumors flying around with Tralfamadore back on the market as a free agent and Haxxeren's future in compLexity Gaming in doubt. He has been seen scrimming with them, he played the "Runic Shift" tournament for them - now Tralfamadore is officially a part of compLexity Gaming.
Now it is official! Mark 'Tralfamadore' Seidl, former Honcast caster and member of teams like sGty, Trademark eSports and Tt eSports, has found his new competitive home in compLexity Gaming. This brings the last months in Tralfamadore's career full circle with him being a pivotal part of the deal that compLexity Gaming and his former team struck - now he is returning to his project.
Despite him returning role changes or even changes in terms of the drafter have not been indicated. In all scrims or tournament matches that Tralfamadore was a part of coL already, he was seen playing some sort of hero to fit the middle role. This could change at any moment with compLexity Gaming ready and set to make a run for the DreamHack Summer 2013 ticket, but early indications point into the direction that bkid will remain as the drafter and Tralfamadore will make his way to the middle lane most of the time.
It's sad to see Haxx leave but we feel that it's for the bettermant of the team. Tralf was originally the captain of this team before he left for HoNcast so we're happy to have him back. He is undoubtedly one of the most skilled HoN players out there and we are excited to add his skills to our arsenal.
While Tralfamadore is now officially a part of coL, Haxxeren is officially out of the organization as the press release the teams website showed today. The Danish carry will most likely be a part of the team formerly known as Trademark eSports, replacing his fellow countrymen NoobG in the position of the hard carry. NoobG left the team after the HoN Tour Season 1 Grand Finals and is currently playing with his former tdM teammate iNsania.
Lineup compLexity Gaming: