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General12 years ago

-Update- LongDD left after alleged argument


Taken from LGD photoshoot four days ago.

LongDD has been reported to have left after a heated argument between the team members. It is not confirmed if their The International 3 invite will remain but it may be under threat as well.

Xiang 'LongDD' Huang,'s newest member, has left the LGD gaming house after an argument which possibly resulted in physical violence.

Rumors have it that the confrontation between the team members happened earlier today in which Jia Jun 'Sylar' Liu allegedly struck LongDD after a heated confrontation.

"We were nice enough to give you a chance here, if you aren't gonna play, then get the f**k out", Sylar was rumored saying prior to LongDD's departure from the gaming house.

According to TanGeng, TeamLiquid writer, LongDD brought it to Weibo with the following post which suggested the old dog was retiring.


LongDD on Weibo

Eight years of Dota, five years of professional play, I've given it my all. Today's despair is the payback for past excesses. I hope that for my future, I will walk the right path, not go astray. Thanks to all the friends that I have known all these years. On the stage, good luck to you.


Although the alleged physical violence has not been confirmed, GosuGamers sources can confirmed that LongDD has indeed left the LGD gaming house.

Gosugamers tried to reach out to LGD regarding the matter but they were unavailable for a comment. An announcement by LGD is expected to be made tonight or early tomorrow.

Prior to this, were all set to participate in Dota 2 Super League, G-1 League and The International 3 later this year. Although their spot for DSL and G-1 remain intact, their invitation to The International 3 may be under threat.

One of Valve's most valued criteria in selecting invitees is team stability and the latest incident may very well threaten's chances and possible automatic invite status to TI3.

Meanwhile, is expected to play Vici Gaming 1 in the opening of Dota 2 Super League on the 10th of May. The most likely replacement for LongDD is Jun Jie 'sydm' Tong from Vici Gaming 2.

GosuGamers will keep you up-to-date with the news as soon as we hear from LGD. team roster:

China Ning 'Xiao8' Zhang
China Jia Jun 'Sylar' Liu
China Fat-meng 'ddc' Leong
China Zheng Zheng 'Yao' Yao




Sylar claimed that the physical violence did not happen on his Weibo account.


Sylar Weibo post

I woke up and rumors are already running rampant. I can't believe there are people who thinks I resorted to physical violence. This can't be more difficult.


Source: LongDD Weibo, TeamLiquid, LongDD joins, Sylar's Weibo