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General12 years ago

Mineski and iZone reveal new key players

Nando (left) and Ewe (right)

It has been confirmed that Fernando 'Nando' Mendoza will be filling the spot that Earlwin 'Ewe' Libre left as he was picked by Mineski to replace John 'JoJeRo' Roxas.

After many accomplishments with Ewe on their roster,there is no denying that this was not easy for them to let go of him but that's just part of everyday life. Nothing stays the same forever. Nando will fill he's spot and hopefully he can contribute the same way the longtime veteran Ewe did.

After the departure of one of their major players Julz, Mineski has been struggling for months trying to find the missing piece for their team.They tried their chance with Nando,but due to passport issues they had no choice but to find another replacement by picking up JoJeRo.Now, just a few months after his return to Mineski ,it seems like it will be a re-departure for JoJeRo. Mineski's search continues,and they are betting all they have on Ewe,as the Pinoy Gaming Festival - GIGABYTE Mineski Pro-Gaming League DotA Championship is just around the corner,and they want to be sure that they are ready for that.

New official rosters:

Philippines iZONE.GIGABYTE
Michael 'Kel' Concepcion
Paulo 'PauL' Torrechiva
Harold 'Atong' Arcedo
Jhoven 'Joven' Pancho
Fernando 'Nando' Mendoza

Philippines Mineski Infinity PowerColor
James Kenneth 'Wootz' Valdez
Ralph Richard 'RR' Peñano
Joshua 'Owa' Dela Serna
Ryan Jay 'Bimbo' Qui
Earlwin 'Ewe' Libre

With PGF drawing near will these new acquisitions by Mineski and iZone pay off? Can Ewe help bring back the Mineski pride? Can Nando step up and prove that he deserves the spot given to him? These are all questions that we are all going to find an answer to, as both teams attempt to secure their place in the PGF main event through the wildcards.

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