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General13 years ago

coL two-ones ex-GoSu to clinch RaidCall Cup #2

The all-American final of the second installment of Fnatic RaidCall Cup saw compLexity defeat the squad known as ex-GoSu two to one.

Fnatic's second RaidCall Dota 2 cup ended with an all-American final. The teams compLexity and ex-GoSu. In the tournament with 64 teams participating, three American teams and Counter Logic Gaming made their way into the semi finals.

CLG, ex-GoSu, coL and EG in the semis

The semi final was final destination for both CLG and Team EG. While CLG lost 1-2 against ex-GoSu, EG was unable to compete with coL's push strategies. In two games coL picked both Chen and Juggernaut, resulting in a 2-0 victory.

The final on Thursday was not that easy for team compLexity. Against the former team of It's GoSu, now called ex-GoSu, a third deciding map was necessary. The win in the tournament secures compLexity a prize money of 500 US-Dollar.

Round of 32
Sweden CLG>Europe KS Mafias1-0
Sweden 4FC>Kazakhstan NEXT.kz1-0
Ukraine DTS>Finland RoughNeX.DotA21-0
Europe Crisis<Europe mTw0-1
United States ex-GoSu>Faroe Islands JUPE1-0
Europe Ohluvi Gaming<France Ph0eNiiX's Team0-1
Europe Team Gilette<Germany EnRo0-1
Europe Chronos<Russia Virtus.pro0-1
United States compLexity>Europe Maximum Tards1-0
Turkey Dying Wish<Denmark The Tough Bananas0-1
Brazil Vince te Ipsum.DotA>Europe tfe1-0
Portugal EvC<Europe FnaticRaidCall0-1
United States Evil Geniuses>Denmark Dis Hero So Forest1-0
Czech Republic Epidemic>Germany uebelst1-0
Europe LOWSKILLEDNOOBS<Russia Team Empire0-1
Sweden [RHF]<Russia Moscow 50-1

Round of 16
Sweden CLG>Sweden 4FC1-0
Ukraine DTS>Europe mTw1-0
United States ex-GoSu>France Ph0eNiiX's Team1-0
Germany EnRo<Russia Virtus.pro0-1
United States compLexity>Denmark The Tough Bananas1-0
Brazil Vince te Ipsum.DotA<Europe FnaticRaidCall0-1
United States Evil Geniuses>Russia Team Empire1-0
Czech Republic Epidemic<Russia Moscow 50-1

Round of 8
Sweden CLG>Ukraine DTS1-0
United States ex-GoSu>Russia Virtus.pro1-0
United States compLexity>Europe FnaticRaidCall1-0
United States Evil Geniuses>Russia Moscow 51-0

RaidCall Dota2 Open #2 - Semi Finals
Sweden CLG<United States ex-GoSu1-2
United States compLexity>United States Evil Geniuses2-0

RaidCall Dota2 Open #2 - Grand Finals
United States ex-GoSu<United States compLexity1-2

Source: Fnatic Dota 2 Cup #2 Brackets