Known as the "King of Silver" from his Brood War days, the legendary zerg Jin-Ho "YellOw" Hong has found a new emploi. YellOw will operate as the coach for the Korean LoL team Xenics Storm.
The news was reported by, saying that the old-time StarCraft pro-gamer will make another career switch.
YellOw officially retired from professional BroodWar on June 15th but in August 2011 the iconic zerg player was once again seen on stage, playing a StarCraft 2 show-match against "The Emperor" and his all-time biggest rival Boxer.
YellOw's involvement with StarCraft 2 became stronger when a new GomTV show, labelled "Project A", was announced. The five-episode program showed YellOw's preparation for the Code A preliminaries, which he would ultimately fail to pass. Furthermore, although being managed by SlayerS_Jessica during those times, Yellow never became a full professional member of the Korean team.
YellOw's new career path will lead him away from professional StarCraft and to the MOBA genre, placing him at the coaching position of the League of Legends team Xenics Storm.
- “After a while of retirement from pro gaming career, I finally found a place to nest. I am currently focusing on LoL>and starting a new challenge as a coach. Thanks to a lot of fellows, Xenics Storm was able to launch. I deeply appreciate Xenics for sponsoring us and KyuHoon Hwang the chief of oGs for supporting us.”