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General14 years ago

SGamer interviews Dendi

Na'Vi at Gamescom, Germany

A lot has been said about the results of Gamescom 2011 and Na'Vi's absolute dominance. The team has certainly showed that, at a minimum, Europe stands ahead of China in Dota 2. Graciously accepting an interview from SGamer, Na'Vi's Dendi speaks up specifically about Gamescom and Dota 2, as well as offer his thoughts on HFGL.

Hello Na'Vi, thank you for accepting the interview from SGamer. First of all, what do you have to say to your Chinese fans and friends?
-"Hi China. *smiles* I'm definitely waiting until we get to visit you again! Thank you all who cheered for us; it is really helping us to win."

It feels awesome. Every time I think about our trip, I feel very good.
Congratulations for beating EHOME and being the first champions of Dota 2. How do you feel?
-"It feels awesome. Every time I think about our trip, I feel very good. I am happy that we won. And without your help, belief in us and cheering for us, that wouldn't have been possible."

Wow, so what have you decided to do with the 1 million dollars?
-"Everyone used it for different things. Someone decided to invest some money, others bought a car, and some bought an apartment, etc. I haven't decided anything with regards to the money yet."

You guys had a perfect run and only lost one game to EHOME in Cologne. How did you guys do it?
-"We were very confident in our games. After the group stages I was sure that we can beat everyone. I should admit that iG and EHOME were very good and Scythe also did a fantastic job."

GGnet and Nevo lost badly and went home early. Do you think Dota 2 is completely different from DotA?
-"Dota 2 is not totally different. *smiles* At the moment, it is "a little bit" different in some ways.. but everything is getting better and better. When Dota 2 finally comes out, it will be awesome 100%!"

What do you have to say about MYM's disband?
-"MYM's disband wasn't out of the blue for me. They had some reasons within the team to do so. Maybe when Dota 2 is out, they are gonna play together again."

We see some heroes in Dota 2 like Anti Mage and Nerubian Weaver which are very popular. Why is this so?
-"Because in DotA you have 100+ heroes, and here in Dota 2 you have only 46. The hero pool was limited, so these heroes were more effective."

I love heroes like Storm Spirit and Sven in Dota 2.
Some Chinese players have expressed that the hero models are 'ugly'. What do you have to say?
-"Hero models are not ugly at all *grins*. Furthermore, Valve always listens to advice! So they will make some changes if people dislike something. But believe me, at the start, I disliked the look of a few heroes too, but after playing a few games I started to enjoy them more and more! I love (heart) heroes like Storm Spirit and Sven in Dota 2."

Overall, what are your thoughts about Dota 2 compared with DotA?
-"Overall, Dota 2 is almost the same as DotA but much better, and I believe that when it's done, it will be even closer to DotA but without its current 'flaws' and with new things to look forward to so everyone will enjoy it."

Na'Vi has been invited to join HFGL alongside the other European and Asian teams. You will be meeting EHOME in the group stage. Many Chinese fans are saying that it will be EHOME's chance for revenge - how have you prepared for the match?
-"Well, we are happy to get invited to HFGL with so many Chinese teams participating. It's always a pleasure to play against strong opponents. About EHOME in the group stage - I don't think it's right to say "it will be EHOME's chance for revenge" because of the issue of lag. I wish we would fight on LAN soon."

Who do you think will be the strongest team in HFGL?
-"I wish every team in this tournament good luck."

Many thanks to you. Any last shoutouts?
-"Thanks to everyone again! Thanks to SteelSeries, Antec and Kaspersky. I love all of you who are cheering for me. Thanks, without you all, I would be much worse off.

Also, I would like to invite everyone to my page at You may also want to visit Artstyle at or join our official page at!"

Please support us at this website - we need you! There are lots of updates to follow about our DotA team and the Natus Vincere organization on the whole."

SGamer - Original Article