While Crossfire is a remake of the old Brood War map Sin Peaks of Baekdu, the remaining three are original.
The maps Lost Temple, Xel'Naga Caverns and Metalopolis have been modified so the base chokes can no longer be blocked by two bunkers.
Jungle Basin, Delta Quadrant, Blistering Sands and Steppes of War have been removed from the pool.
- "It's great that they have removed Blistering Sands and Steppes of War especially, says Jeffrey "SjoW" Brusi to GosuGamers.
- "I like how more or less every map has a natural expansion that is easy to defend. I think it will benefit all the races, but perhaps Protoss and Zerg a bit more," says Tobias "ZpuX" Nilsson. He added, "I also like how the middles are pretty large and that there are some different ways around, which helps when deciding to take the fight or not."
GosuGamers also contacted the German Zerg player Christoph "Mondragon" Semke for his opinion on each map.

- "This map looks really interesting. It can both be very interesting to have two 'free' expansions and it might balance the gameplay a bit more. But it can go the other way around too seeing that Terran and Protoss do get another free expansion... We'll see about that."

- "The map itself looks interseting with many expansions and many gold expansions, but due to tiny ways and not many possibilities to flank decently it will not contribute much to the balance of the game I guess."

- "All those maps are quite unique and different to the ones we've seen by now. This one looks really awkward regarding balancement on the first view."
Tal'Darin Altar

- "This map already looks chaotic and messy just by looking at the screenshot There are many flank opportunities and counter opportunities which will make the games more interesting. The importance definitely lies in taking the middle as soon as possible and then try to control the map but due to many ways you can use there might be some entertaining games on this map."
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