PowerNet, one day after the triumph in the Qualifier, how is the state of mind? relieved that you made it happen, of were you confident to qualify from the start.
-"Well it's definitely a relief that we qualified for such a big tournament. Our goals are set high and I'm happy the first step has successfully been taken to achieve them. As far as the matches went, we were a bit worried about vVv and Pain as they are prominent American as well as South American teams, but in the end we went with our comfortable strategies and it worked out for the best."
Speaking of vVv, you faced them as another uprising team from the US in the Semi Final. Was there any kind of rivalry involved, or is the mood between you rather solidary?
-"There is a rivalry between us and vVv; our teams were formed around the same time and they ended up getting a sponsor and some recognition to go with it. We were actually hoping to see them in the finals to create kind of a hyped up match as well as having two American teams qualifiy, but unforunately the bracket did not allow it."
-"At the moment vVv is the only team in North America that really gives us trouble. This is not to be mistaken with the notion that there are no promising players in my region, but just that they do not band together to form great teams. GDT is skilled and all but I feel not on the same level as us. Certain South American teams such as Pain i believe have great potential with their "chinese-like" picks and a style to nearly match it."
With this mentioned lack of great teams you talked about, do you think lies in the in the influence of HoN and LoL, which seems to be higher in the States than Europe?
-"Yes, we lost a small portion of the community to games such as HoN and LoL, but their impacts can't be compared to the player base that was lost with the realease of SC2. Most of the older and more widely known players either lost interest in DotA due to Starcraft 2's more appealing graphics etc. or activity was decreased to the point where scrimming with a team on a regular basis was made impossible."
Interesting; do you play either of the mentioned games yourself as well?
-"No, I have not tried any of the the three, my heart will remain with DotA to the end (*smiles*)"
-"typical high skill, in cases on the level of European teams. South American DotA is not to be taken lightly."
Despite a huge clanbase in both North and South America, DotA in Europe has the better event scenery by now, more leagues and prize money. If you had the possiblity, What would you do, in order to catch up?
-"American teams try to play against Europeans in LDHL and are pretty much labeled as outsiders and treated as such which continues to hold us back. I believe that the improvment of the American scene will coincide with its integration into the European's community."
So you dont feel the need of beating them back in a sense, with own projects and independent organisations? Does this outsider status hurt in any way?
Basic challenge games which are a big part of a community.
Simply put, if American leagues don't provide the environment for players to improve in, and European leagues are pushing out the better American players, the problem is clear.
-"Yes of course; DotA 2 will attract a lot of new players to the game and hopefully the competitive scene. Possibly if the community becomes massive enough then major events may be hosted in an American venue."
What was the latest LAN you attended?
-"I have never attended a LAN but hope to do so when the location and time are right."
I see; then back to the present. Where do you and your team orientate yourself when it comes to competitive DotA. Do you follow the scenes in China and Asia, or Europe, or not at all.
-"All the members on our team follow the European and Asian scenes closely. We learn from and cheer for our favorite teams all the same and watch in amazement at the perfection that is Chinese DotA. I myself prefer watching games from MYM because I love Misery and Demon as well as games from the old EHOME due to my love for Burning :) "
Then Id like to know abit more about this team. The name TLDR is still connected to SRoB; a smurf from which a lot of our readers know you after an appearance the Razer Global challenge Groupstage. What has the team been up to until now?
-"The original players of TLDR have, for the most part, moved to Starcraft 2 with the exception of Hai_Lua, who kept playing with us, and Solara, who has always been floating around the American scene."
-"There was a slow period during the time when our current players were being established as an official team but in the past 4 months we have become very active in scrims and tournaments. I'm happy with the situation that we have now, ideal players with ideal schedules."
Who are the ideal players? could you describe each of them in a few words
-"1437 is our drafter/support. Hai_Lua is support / solo mid. Darksheep is side solo / solo mid. Mikeyjaiwhite is support. Power.Net is Solo mid / carry and DAytrippers. He is kind of our 6th player who plays support as well as our manager, he is good at both haha. All in all our players are very versatile which makes playing lesser picked heroes very possible which gives us an edge over other teams."
The group drawings are tomorrow; is there any opponent you'd like to face?
-"From the pots with the big teams, I hope we are in a group against MYM and Lost.EU. I feel that we have the best chance at beating those teams compared to other possibilites."
Is there anybody who you dont want to face at all cost?
-"Worst case scenario, we go against GGNet and Na'Vi, I feel those are the most difficult matchups in the groups"
Then I hope your wishes come true; thanks so much for your time - the last word is on you if theres anything you'd like to say
-"I would like to give a shoutout to my team, as well as everyone at nadota.com. Thanks a lot :)