Alchemy in Cataclysm is going to be one of the more exciting professions in Cataclysm. Among many new potions and transmutations being available, the most prominent one is Vial of the Sands. This vial will allow a player to transform into a dragon and carry an ally on your back. Pretty awesome isn't it?
An alchemist will also be allowed to create an epic, item level 359, trinket named Lifebound Alchemist Stone. Here are the stats of the trinket:
- +380 Stamina
- Blue Socket with +10 critical strike rating Socket Bonus
- Increases mastery rating by 213
- Increases the effect that mana and healing effects have on the wearer by 40%. This effect does not stack
Flasks are fairly equivalent to the Wrath of the Lich King flasks. All flasks will give you a +300 boost in one stat. Alchemists will also be able to make Big Cauldrons or Cauldron of Battle and will work in the same fashion as a Fish Feast currently works in raids.
Transmutations have also received a few changes:
- There is only one type of Meta Gem now and can only be created through Uncommon quality gems
- You can create rare gems by crafting herbs + Uncommon gems
- A new reagent for alchemists, Volatile Life, can be transmuted into any other Volatile element.
All of the potions will remain the same but Alchemists will also receive some new, fun potions that they can sell for a relatively reason price. Here is a list of a few of the potions:
- Potion of Treasure Finding: Will sometimes reward you with Tiny Treasure Chest that you can receive from monsters from Vash'jir, Mount Hyjal, Twilight Highlands, Deepholm, and Uldum. Effect persists through death
- Potion of Illusion: Allows the user to look like someone else
- Potion of Deepholm: Teleports the user to Deepholm
- Deathblood Venom: Fills your veins with deadly poison and sometimes damages melee attackers to 1900 to 2200 damage over 8 secs
- Deepstone Oil: May cause stiffness
This is pretty much how the Alchemist profession will look like in Cataclysm and it will definitely be a profession worth looking into if you are deciding to switch profession or deciding what profession your new character to be. Please visit a link below for a full list of the transmutations, potions, and flasks.

MMO-Champion - Alchemy in Cataclysm