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General14 years ago

About AlienwareDG

After five interviews with teams from all over Asia, its about time to introduce the first indonesian ADC participant. wAR from AlienwareDG gave us the chance to meet his team!
From left to right at ACG '10: Luch, Easy,BCL, wAR, ROR

Hello wAR! First up, you and your team are quite on the uprise at the moment. You won the last four competitive games next to an epic showmatch and tied Scythe and MCITY (now as well a few weeks ago. Are we seeing the best AlienwareDG ever right now?
-“Maybe you are right and its really our best phase for now. Its the first time we are capable of tieing big teams like the mentioned Scythe, which by the way ended up winning the ADC last year and the best australian team”

We train five times a week, for 3-8 hours
Please introduce and describe the roster for our readers a little bit. Who is doing what in AlienwareDG?
-“ I would be happy to! Our full name is Alienware Digi Ultimate and we are from Indonesia. This is our second season in ADC, with myself Doddy 'wAR' Affandie as captain. The lineup consists of Fajar 'bencLung' Maulana as ganker, Brando 'Easy XLR8' Oloan as Carry, Andre 'vRecto' Gunawan as support, Vicky 'RusheR' Adi as semi carry and our substitute Virginita ‘niQ’ Monica. We maintained changes in our team over the last month, as Yogi 'horror' Herawan, who also played gankers, decided to leave us due to studies.

Since when have you guys been playing together and how did you pick up Alienware as partner?
-“Firstly, the most of us are from Bandung, one of Indonesia’s biggest cities and we have been playing together for a long time. Back then, “Digi ultimate” was formed out of the three biggest teams in the city, which decided to unite forces with LiquoR, Luch and myself as the main guys. A bit earlier this year, we participated in the ‘Alienware Tournament Indonesia’ and ended up winning. That earned us a sponsorship from Alienware until February next year.

How would you describe your teams playstyle? by browsing over your games i always saw one solid carry, but also a Queen of Pain once in a while. What are you generally aiming for in your drafts?
-“Sorry but I wouldnt feel comfortable to give an answer while ADC is currently running. I prefer letting the viewers judge that.”

No problem. May i know then what training looks like in AlienwareDG. Do you meet up in certain places? What are your preperations for an upcoming match?
-“We have a schedule: five times a week for 3-8 hours. On another two days, we discuss tactics, gameplay and replays from the big teams. We are from two different cities, so meeting up for training is not possible. Right before a match, we always use the converence-function of our messenger to talk about possible drafts or our current opponent.

This is the first time, we were able to tie big teams ever
Your most recent loss, was against your countrymen MK, who came into the tournament later. What is your opinion on them, how do you see their chances, throughout the event?
-“In Indonesia, we have two renowned teams, being MK and ourselves. The rivalry between our fanbases is pretty big, so I’d prefer not to talk about the team predictionwise. I have to say though that we are friends and get along very well with them.

On a contemporary note: Version 6.69 was released a few days ago. have you played yet and would you like to see a newer version in tournaments soon?
-“Yes, I have already played 6.69. To me it appears more balanced and entertaining to play. There might be some changes in terms of hero modifactions, but I think the current version is not ready for competitve usage yet. The admins should wait until further versions bring the needed balance; I would not be happy to see heroes like Slark and Ancient Apparition in the games at the moment.

Whats your opinion on the ADC; how do you like playing there? whats the organisation and other teams like?
-“ADC is one of the biggest online tournament in Asia and I am really exited to be a part of it, alongside all these great teams. The organisation is doing a good job in keeping the event running with a constant flow of games. Rookies, will take a lot of great experiences from this event, but for big teams, I think its just training and the possibility to try out new strategies.”

What is your aim for the ADC season and your DotA-future in general?
-“For ADC overall to win, but to me, gaining experience and knowledge is more important than that. In general, as you know DotA 2 will be released in the near future and might replace the current game in the scene. If my skills and brain remain on my personal peak, I will try to make my way there and hopefully as successful as possible.”

Alright I’m finished, thanks a lot for your time. Any final words before we get off?
-“ ‘if you win do not comment, if you lose dont make a reason, win doesnt mean you're the "best" but winning is because you try harder to be better than before.’” wAR

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