Nvidia's Game's festival just ended a week ago with Deity claiming the ultimate prize of $3000 while Nirvana.my had to settle with just $1000. GosuGamers caught up with Nirvana.my's captain, Mushi along with player XTiNcT for an interview regarding their time at NGF.
First things first, why don't you introduce yourself to the community?
-XTiNcT: Hello everyone. My name is Joel Chan aka XTiNcT.
-Mushi: Hello. The name's Mushi, I think I don't need further introduction.
-XTiNcT: Not satisfied at all because our performance in NGF was bad. We couldn't perform like usual, we had bad teamwork and made a lot of mistakes. We really felt sorry going and playing for either $1000 or $3000.
Why do you think is the reason behind the team not being able to perform well? Did the reloads and disconnections play a role?
-XTiNcT: The reloads and disconnections is just a small factor towards our performance. The main reason is the lack of training and proper preparations.
-XTiNcT: You could say so, because Deity's teamwork and skill are way above us.
In one instance, the commentators revealed to Deity that your Ursa got an Invisibility rune, which resulted in your team losing one crucial war. What are your views on that?
-Mushi: Personally, I don't blame the shoutcaster as I believe that they did not do it on purpose. However, I hope that they can do better next time and that the community will not blame them anymore.
-XTiNcT: It is true but we cant do anything about it. I just to hope that organizers will hire more experienced commentator for other events in the future.
There are some reliable sources saying that ChuaN has been removed from the team. Can one of you confirm that?
-Mushi: Yes. ChuaN is no longer part of Nirvana.
Whats the reason behind the removal of ChuaN?
-XTiNcT: It is the team's decision to remove ChuaN due to some internal conflict and his personality.
-Mushi: Because Dagger is a very useful and relatively cheap item. You can use it for ganks or you can use it to escape. Its probably because I like to take down heroes fast that I find Daggger such a good item, you can easily surprise the enemy with it. Sometimes I've been called the Blink dagger prince. I find this particular nick very funny but I don't really like it. Haha.
Overall, how would you rank NGF? Did you enjoy youselves?
-Mushi: I was sick the whole time we were there. I just couldn't get used to the weather outside in Beijing. Although we may have lost to Deity, they were very friendly to us, especially their manager. Because I cant remember the manager's name, my teammate, XigZ gave him a very funny nickname that made me laugh the whole day. On the last day, we had the chance to go to a gathering with some CDEC players. While the gathering was great I regret going, because they made me dance in front of them. Haha. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people that took care of us while we were there. They were really nice to us.

So whats name did he give the manager?
-Mushi: Its our team's little secret. Haha.
Any final shootouts?
-Mushi: Although we lost NGF, we have not given up hope. We are very honoured and happy to be able to play against Deity in this tournament. During which we learned a lot from them. Niravana.my will never give up! We will train harder for the upcoming ESWC and ACG! We will provide the community with great replays in the future. Finally, I have found myself a new disciple. She maybe a girl but I admire how she trains hard everyday. I strongly believe that she will become a very strong player one day. As to her name, I wont say who she is. It's for you to find out. Haha. Shout out to those that have supported us since the start and a particular player from Singapore going by the name of Nagjr who is Singapore's 1v1 champion. I've learned so much from him. ICE is my idol!!
-XTiNcT: Special shout-outs to Mineski, especially Bongertz. Sorry that we didn't sneaky. Shout-outs to Raymond aka DeeJaSharky and all the fans who support us. We will do better in the future! In ending, I can just say that Ice is pro!