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LoL9 years ago

SBENU acquires Lehends

(Courtesy of SBENU)

The journey back to LCK glory is a difficult one, maybe some newblood will make it easier.

SBENU Sonicboom continued their roster renovation with the signing of Son "Lehends" See-woo, a top tier support from the ranked ladder. This acquisition is just one of many moves made by Sbenu, some others including Jin "Firetrap" Jae-Seung in the top lane mid laner Lee "Rem" Hyeon-Seo, who is slated to replace Oh "Sasin" Seung-Ju who moved to a coaching position.

Despite the shake up, SBENU maintains high hopes for the coming Challenger season so they can return to the LCK. However, it's not a false hope to save face; Lehends is actually really good. Right now he sits at rank 47 on the Korean challenger ladder, even higher than Hong "Madlife" Min-gi who is ranked in the 90s.

Not only is he a solid soloQ support, but he also plays champions like Kog'Maw and Elise extraordinarily well with 58%+ win percentages on both. It's yet to be seen whether or not he will be able to translate a soloQ mentality into a competitive atmosphere, but look out for this soloQ stud this Challengers Korea season.
