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LoL11 years ago

Dignitas claw their way out of a slump while C9 brings down the NA kings


Dignitas manage to find a hard fought win against Evil Geniuses while TSM just wasn't strong enough without Bjergsen to take out Cloud 9.

TSM vs. C9

The game kicked off with TSM having an immeditae damage after the level one fight due to poke laid down onto Cloud 9's duo early on.  Meteos was quick to apply the pressure early and give Dyrus a hard time top, while Cloud 9's bottom line was able to secure a kill onto Xpecial, despite the advantage TSM's bottom lane had during the laning phase.   Team Solomid fought this off by teleporting bot with Dyrus for dragon. TSM was able to acquire it and catch back up.

During the next dragon fight, Reginald was forced to scatter and TSM were able to get picks, but Cloud 9 had the upper hand in the ecxhange by grabbing dragon and the secondary middle turret.  Team Solomid started slowly falling apart after the mid-game deficit and Cloud 9 were able to grab the victory.

EG vs. DIG

Both teams traded kills in the very beginning.  The advantage went to Evil Geniuses after Krepo managed to kill Crumbzz for the kill, acquiring a blue buff in the process. More buff transfers occured for Evil Geniuses, with Innox also grabbing the top lane turret early.  This mean that at 12 minutes, Evil Geniuses were able to take down two towers while Dignitas did not have the same blessing.

Innox couldn't manage to get kills very much in the early game, but after enough farm, he was able to become a real threat the longer the game dragged on.  The score began to even up around 25 minutes, but the game shifted in Dignitas' favor after they grabbed a baron.  Evil Geniuses were able to come back and execute, but Dignitas was still able to overcome Evil Geniuses and start an upward trend. 

